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"I love you, baby

And if it's quite alright

I need you, baby

To warm the lonely night"

Jaehyun hums, as they both walks towards their respective car while Doyoung giggles at the song.

"You know Jae, you should do concert at the bigger venues." Doyoung smiles, searching for his car key.

"If I ever have concert then the title would be... 'Jeong Jaehyun'." Jaehyun says as Doyoung smiles.  

Doyoung gasp louds when he notices the time, "Ohh shit! shit!" Doyoung hurriedly takes out his phone.

"Everything okay?" Jaehyun ask in worry as Doyoung hurriedly video calls Jinyoung. Jaehyun realizes and he looks away.

"Hello, hyung!!" Doyoung says as soon as the other picks up the call, "I am sorry hyung."

"Doie, you're five minutes late."

"I am sorry."

"Anyways I am late for consultant. I'll call you if I finish early."

"I swear I'll wait for your call hyung."

"Okay, bye. Love you."

"Uhhh.... Love you too." Doyoung says back glancing at Jaehyun, hesitating to answer.

"Hmm sweet." Jaehyun leans on Doyoung's car, "What a lucky guy!"

"I am the lucky one." Doyoung awkwardly smiles.

"How long have you been together?"

"6 years." Doyoung also leans in his car, "We met in college."

"That long ago?" Jaehyun glances at him.

"I was this lost little boy in our college and he was my knight in shining armor."

"That's nice. It's like... like fairytale?" Jaehyun turns towards him.

"Actually, something like that. I was nothing before. And someone like him fell in love with someone like me. He was 'The Park Jinyoung' of our college."

"I know what will you say next." Jaehyun smiles as Doyoung looks at him, "Like.. He is my life. He is my sun. He is my compass."

"Ah that's right. He is my compass.... because all he did was give me the direction for my life."

"Oh that's why he decides everything for you." Jaehyun says.

"That's how he is. Strong. Stable." Doyoung nods his head, "His love give me the future to look forward to."

Jaehyun remains silent as he ponders in his thought for a while, "Future?"

"A lifetime together." Doyoung nods, "Forever."

"Forever?" Jaehyun murmurs, more to himself.

"Forever." Doyoung answers. Jaehyun then stares at Doyoung who is on his own thought before looking away.

Doyoung also stares at Jaehyun before breaking the silence, "Anyway, it's getting late. I'll go ahead."

"Goodbye my future ex-husband." Doyoung smiles at Jaehyun. Jaehyun then dramatically clutches his heart in pain making Doyoung giggle.

"Go now." Doyoung shoves Jaehyun lightly, "Bye. Take care!" Doyoung enters his car.

"You too." Jaehyun closes the door for him. He walks towards his car when he suddenly receives a text. Doyoung stares at him for a while with a slight smile before starting his car.

"Doyoung! Doyoung-ahhh." Jaehyun hurriedly stops Doyoung's car as soon as he checks the text.

"What?" Doyoung opens his car.

"Look at this. Look! Someone text me this that Xiaojun is in Jeju." Jaehyun shows him the text, "I can take you there."

"Oh my god!!! Jae!!!" Doyoung smiles wide turning towards Jaehyun.

"Yeahh." Jaehyun says before he is suddenly pulled in a hug by Doyoung.  Jaehyun pauses as Doyoung hugs him tight.

Doyoung clears his throat awkwardly, realizing and pulling away from the hug blushing, "W-we have to find Xiaojun."

"Yes." Jaehyun also awkwardly smiles.

"Thankyou. Thankyou Jae! Thankyou." Doyoung grins wide staring at the text as Jaehyun smiles staring at him.

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