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"Cheers to us for getting exiled from your mom's house." Doyoung's dad raises a toast. Doyoung just lets out a small chuckle clinking the glass with his father.

"You know what, Doie, your mom and my problem's are ours. And that's our mistakes.  You have your own problems. You have your own mistakes, because you have your own life. So, stop living for your mom's dreams for her. Live for yourself, son."  His dad holds his hand, making him smile.

"Do you think she'll ever forgive me?" Doyoung sighs, holding his dad's hand tight.

"I don't just think it. I know it." His dad says sternly as he points towards the door. Doyoung turns back, where he sees his mom standing, her eyes full of tears.

"I am sorry, Doie." His mom apologizes as he walk towards her hugging her tight, his dad smiling at them.

"I love you my son." His mom cries hugging him.

"I also love you, my one and only brother." Jaemin joins the hug.

"Me too." His dad also joins, wrapping them around in his big embrace.


"You made a good decision, Mr. Jeong. I'll see you in the OR." Jaehyun's doctor assures him while his family members were in stress trying to calm themselves down.

"You see, the doctor assured you. It won't hurt." His uncle assures himself more than assuring Jaehyun. 

"Okay, now let's go." Jeno pushes the bed taking him to the OR.

"STOP! STOP IT!" Jaemin stands infront stopping the bed to move.

"You can't go in yet." Jaemin opens his arm in an attempt to stop them.

"Jeno, what is wrong with your boyfriend?" His mom ask, pointing towards Jaemin.

"Please... please just wait. Please." Jaemin begs his boyfriend.

"Let's just go." His uncle pushes the bed again.

"Right! we forgot to pray." Jaemin stops the bed again.

"We'll pray near the OR." His uncle pushes the bed again.

"NO, PLEASE." Jaemin clasp his hand.

"Jaemin! What's wrong?" Jaehyun finally ask.

"Hyung, I swear! You'll live because of this." Jaemin grins wide.

"I will die because of this, Jaemin-ah." Jaehyun sighs.

"OHH! WAIT HERE!" Jaemin walks backwards as he opens the door.


As I have nothing to give you...
give you my heart...

 As I have received so much from you...
 I can't express it all at once...

I pray that on blissful days,
 and weary days in life,
 I can stay by your side all the time.

 For you, whom I desperately await
 more than any other news
 So that we won't miss each other across the path
 I'll wait for you here...

Doyoung enters his ward, with a bouquet of flowers, and a mic, singing his heart out for his husband and his forever only. 

Jaehyun's face lits up the moment his eyes falls on Doyoung. He stares at his Doyoung who walks closer towards him, singing the last line, "I'll wait for you here..."

Everybody surrounding them, smiles lovingly at them. "Good job!" Jeno whispers at his boyfriends ear who smiles proudly.

Doyoung then hands him the bouquet as Jaehyun faints, laying straight in the bed. Everybody panicks trying to wake him up.

"CPR, give him air. CPR." His aunty yells.

Doyoung leans in panicking when he notices a small playful smile on Jaehyun's lips.

"Jae~~" Doyoung pushes Jaehyun slightly.

"I am joking." Jaehyun chuckles as everyone around him sighs in relief.

"So, why are you here?" Jaehyun asks as he bring the flowers towards his chest, "I thought you were getting married."

"Yes, I will, if the person I want to marry agrees." Doyoung smiles at him as he sits beside him.

"So, Mr. Jeong Jaehyun," Doyoung leans closer holding his hand, "You are my forever only and I want to spend my forever with you." Doyoung smiles as Jaehyun holds his breathe.

"Baby, we are not sure, if I'll live." Jaehyun stares at him, worry evident all over his face.

"I will wait for you. And I'll rather wait for you for my whole life then to live those days without you." Doyoung kisses his hand before kneeling down beside his bed. Jaemin and Jeno squealing beside them.

"So, Mr. Jeong Jaehyun, will you marry me... again?" Doyoung ask, showing the ring.

"Yes, Mr. Jeong-Kim Doyoung." Jaehyun smiles as Doyoung put on the ring for him, "Ofcourse I will marry you baby."

Everybody around them claps and cries in joy, including the nurses and doctors.

"Thankyou." Doyoung kisses his hand again.

"Come here." Jaehyun pulls Doyoung up, hugging him tight.

"I love you, My husband." Jaehyun smiles as Doyoung looks at him eyes full of tears.

"And I love you more." Doyoung caresses his face before leaning in to kiss.

"Okay, now my brave husband, time to go." Doyoung pulls away from the kiss.

"Stay strong!" Jeno cheers him up.

"I'll go and come fast. Wait for me." Jaehyun smiles as they takes him inside to OR.

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