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"Do we really need to go to Jeju with him?" Jeno asks as the two cousins packs their bags. Jaehyun just remains silent, "Hyung, he is getting married!!"

"I know." Jaehyun sighs long, "He loves the guy so I won't do anything funny. And besides... that's for lifetime.. I can't give him the future he wants, so, I'll help him get the future he wants." Jaehyun gives his cousin a tightlip smile.


"Jeju-do, is in the east part of South Korea, I have toured there before so, don't worry, my husband. You're in good hands." Jaehyun says as Doyoung nods.

"Jae, call your contact to let them know we arrived." Doyoung pulls the suitcase with him as Jaehyun dials the contact.

"Hey, hyung. I'll go buy some food." Jaemin says as Doyoung nods.

"Buy me food too. We are already friends, right?" Jeno smiles at Jaemin.

"Shut up!" Jaemin walks away.

"Thankyou." Jeno smiles following him.

"What did she say?" Doyoung ask as both of them sat on the bench.

"Cannot be reached." Jaehyun dials the number again.

"Okay, Jae, no matter what we are waiting for him." Doyoung says sternly.


"I'll text you as soon as she text back." Jaehyun says as they finish settling in their room.

"Jae, Thankyou so much." Doyoung smiles at him.

"You're welcome. And go get some rest." Jaehyun gives him his dimpled smile.

"Let's go hyung." Jaemin pulls Doyoung inside their room.


"Hyung, do Jinyoung hyung know about this?" Jaemin ask laying in bed while Doyoung unpacks the bag.

"I told him last night before we left."

"Did you tell him the exact reason? Like actually what we are here for?" Jaemin turns towards his side.

"I told him we are here looking for destination wedding like his parents want." Doyoung smiles.

"Why don't you just tell him the truth?"

"Jaem, Believe me I tried but it's like universe is against him knowing the truth." Jaemin frowns, "Remember the day we went out after Ten's wedding? I immediately confessed I got drunk and you should have seen the way he reacted. It was like I was under trial. He was so disappointed. And I don't wanna feel that way again. So, it's better to fix it first."

"So, you're never allowed to make a mistake?" Jaemin ask his brother, "How about when you get married? You may do things that disappoints him. Do you need to be perfect for the rest of your life?"

"Jaem, you know Jinyoung hyung. He always pushes me to be better." Doyoung looks at his brother.

"And the last time I checked, "for better or for worse" was included in the vows. What about the worse part, hyung?" Jaemin ask as Doyoung stares at him silently.

"That's difficult, hyung!" Jaemin frowns laying back, "That's why I don't want to get married."


"Do you want some beer, hyung?" Jeno ask as Doyoung walks towards him, shaking his head.

"What happened?" Doyoung ask as he see Jaehyun talking in the phone.

"Nothing. He is just talking to our clients. He is cancelling all the appointments." Jeno sighs.

"Is it because of me?" Doyoung frowns.

"You assume too much." Jeno smiles, "But you are right with your assumption. I tried to stop him but he never listens to me. He said, it's his wedding gift for you."

"Wow! People like him do exists... Selfless." Doyoung stares at Jaehyun who is still on his phone.

"Limited edition. For limited time only." Jeno says looking at his cousin.

Doyoung stares at Jaehyun who smiles back at him waving his hand. 

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