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"Why didn't your coordinator accompany you? Wait for me I'll be there."

"Ma! I am okay. There is no need. I am more than fine by myself. Bye." Doyoung hangs up the call as he is standing outside the wedding fair.

"Next please!" Doyoung hears the receptionist as he walks ahead, "Sir, are you alone?"

"Yes, I am alone. One ticket please." Doyoung smiles.

"No, He is with his husband." Jaehyun stands beside him. Doyoung just stares at him frowning.

"Why? Why are you looking at me like that?" Jaehyun ask Doyoung who just shakes his head.

"What are you doing here?" Doyoung ask, looking away.

"Doyoung, I am sorry for all the things I've said. Let me accompany you today, Okay?" Jaehyun says in the most sincere tone, "Let me make it up to you."

"Uh actually sir, it's 50% off if you go with your partner." The receptionist says, "So, Are you getting two tickets?"

"Yes, give us two tickets for me and my husband." Jaehyun says taking out the wallet as the receptionist hands them the ticket.

"I haven't said yes yet." Doyoung leaves Jaehyun to pay.

Jaehyun quickly follows Doyoung, matching his footsteps, "My husband, wait for me!"

"So, what do you want to check out first? The wedding suit?...  Okay let's check it." Jaehyun walks towards the suit section as Doyoung walks towards other section.

"My husband!" Jaehyun calls, following Doyoung, "Okay! Whereever you go! You're the boss!"

Doyoung walks to the car section as he opens one of the car. "So my husband, do you like this car or that carriage?" Jaehyun ask, "If you ask me I will say carriage, It's like a fairytale."

"We are not the romantic couple. Jinyoung hyung wouldn't like that." With that Doyoung walks towards ring section.

Both of them crouches down to watch the different types of rings, "So, anything caught your eyes my husband?"

"Nope. I didn't find anything that he would like." Doyoung bows to the worker as he walks to another section.

"Ohhh cake." Jaehyun sniffs as Doyoung stares at the cakes.

"So, which flavor do you like? Chocolate, vanilla, fruits, mocha or caramel?" Jaehyun ask Doyoung.

"Chocolate is my mom's favorite." Doyoung takes a bite of chocolate cake.

"Umm delicious." Doyoung smiles as Jaehyun smiles too, "Mom will like it!."

"What about you? What do you like?" Jaehyun ask Doyoung, "What's your dream wedding? Not Jinyoung's not your mom's, What's yours? Your dream wedding, my husband." Doyoung just silently stares at Jaehyun not knowing what to answer.

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