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Flashback: 2022

Loud noise and people were surrounding them. Doyoung is laughing all drunk at something, god knows what while Jaehyun is staring at him with a soft smile. Doyoung then faces Jaehyun smiling, both of them staring at each other, small smile present in their lips.

"I think I'm in love with you." Jaehyun says, still staring at Doyoung.

"You just met me." Doyoung lets out a small chuckle.

"Can't it be... love at first sight?" Jaehyun ask him.

"You know what? Love takes time." Doyoung says, smiling at Jaehyun.

"What if there is no time?" Jaehyun ask.

"Person who loves, never runs out of time." Doyoung smiles, "Love makes time."

"So you agree?" Jaehyun ask.

"Even just one second with the right person can feel like more than the lifetime." Doyoung stare at him.

"I wanna make more time with you."Jaehyun leans towards Doyoung, "Will you marry me?" He smiles, staring at Doyoung.

"You don't waste time on love." Jaehyun says again while Doyoung is just keep on staring at him.

"Yes." Doyoung agrees.

"Yes?" Jaehyun ask in surprise.

"Yes." Doyoung nods.

"Y-yes?" Jaehyun ask again.

"YES!" Doyoung yells.

"YESSSS!!" Jaehyun yells louder.

"You may now kiss the bride!!" Louis announces as both of them leans towards each other.



"Love takes time." Doyoung whispers still in Jaehyun's arm.

"You remember?" Jaehyun smiles.

"Umm." Doyoung smiles nodding.

"Doyoung, even if it's just for tonight... can we be real again?" Jaehyun ask, leaning his forehead against Doyoung, "Can you love me again?" Jaehyun ask, leaning closer as Doyoung smiles, nodding his head.

"Doyoung?" Jungwoo calls as Jaehyun turns towards him.

"J-jungwoo?" Doyoung widens his eyes when he notice Jungwoo standing behind Jaehyun.

"Jungwoo!! Wait, please." Doyoung runs after him.

"Doyoung, Jinyoung said you've been acting strange lately, so, he asked me to go after you since you looked... stressed..." Jungwoo glances at Jaehyun, "You know what, Doyoung. I'll just call you." Jungwoo tries to leave.

"No no no no no no no, jungwoo. Please, let me explain." Doyoung holds him.

"No hyung, it isn't me, you should explain." Jungwoo pulls his hand away, "You and Jinyoung hyung need to talk." Jungwoo sighs taking a glance at Jaehyun before walking away.

Doyoung ruffles his hair in frustration, taking a last glance towards Jaehyun before running away.

"Doyoung!" "Doyoung!" Jaehyun runs after him.

Doyoung runs inside his room, pulling the suitcase, packing all his belongings in hurry. "Doyoung!" "Doyoung!" Jaehyun knocks at his door. 

"Doyoung, please open the door!" Jaehyun continues, knocking on the door. Jaehyun sighs in frustration as he grabs his hair, not knowing what to do.

Doyoung then opens the door, his belongings all packed, ready to leave. "Doyoung! Doyoung! Don't leave! We need to talk please." Jaehyun stops him.

"We talked and look what happened! Please, let me go." Doyoung tries to push Jaehyun.

"Doyoung let's just-" Jaehyun holds his suitcase which Doyoung leaves behind and walks away.

"DOYOUNG! Please.. please.. Just listen to me." Jaehyun runs after him.

"Jae!   Jae!" Xiaojun comes out of nowhere, "Oh my god, Doyoung." Xiaojun hugs him, "It's me, Xiaojun." Xiaojun introduces himself.

"Xiaojun?" Doyoung forrows his brows.

"Yeah, xiaojun. We met earlier, didn't Jaehyun tell you that?" Xiaojun glances at Jaehyun.

"He was the one with you earlier?" Doyoung ask him.

"Baby... let me explain." Jaehyun was now seeing blur, his head was spinning. He clench his fist tight, trying to stay strong.

"I am sorry about the trouble but here I brought affidavit for you." Xiaojun hands him the document, "And I promise, I'll be there to testify."

"You said, Xiaojun didn't reply." Doyoung turns, towards Jaehyun.

"I was going to tell you." 

"When?" Doyoung ask tear filling his eyes, "When I aready break up with Jinyoung hyung? or When I choose you? Y-you always told me to tell the truth to the person I love. You always made me feel bad about having so many secrets with Jinyoung hyung. And you are doing this with me?"

"I'll come back tomorrow. I came at bad timing." Xiaojun turns to leave.

"NO!" Doyoung stops him staring at Jaehyun, "Your timing is perfect! You just saved me from making the biggest mistake of my life." Doyoung turns to leave.

"D-doyoung, Doyoung-" 

And Jaehyun falls straight on the ground, fainting.

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