Chapter 22: By Your Side

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*Eli's P.O.V*

We were standing outside underneath the night sky.

It's the perfect atmosphere for what I want to say to Amy.

I turned to her. "I wanna be good for you."

She stared at me. "What?"

I took a real good look at Amy. It's crazy to me how long it's been since I've met her. I met her back at the end of August and now it's December.

Since the first time I saw her in my home room, I was instantly drawn to her and her personality.

Just from talking to her and getting to know her.

Even though, I'm absolute shit at showing my feelings, Amy makes it easy for me to be open about them.

And I know that I have to tell her how I feel.

"When I first met you, I instantly felt a connection to you. It was this spark that was just there and it was blowing my mind away. I wanted to talk to you more after I talked to you the first time." I started to say.

Amy stayed silent, just listening to me.

I continued, "Then I gave you that car ride home. I couldn't stop thinking about you since. The more time that I spent with you, it only made me want to be around you more. You made me want to be good. I want to be good for you and I'll do anything to show you that. I care about you so much and I don't want to let you go."

"So what are you trying to tell me, Eli?"

I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, "I'm asking for a chance to show you just that. I'm asking you if you would like to be my girlfriend."

The nerves were definitely there.

I was scared of what she'll say.

"I would love to." She smiled.

I immediately smiled back at her before I brought her closer to me and then kissed her.

My hand was on her back as her hands were on my chest.

We shared soft kisses with each other, just enjoying the moment.

But then we stopped because we heard cheering.

Miguel, Sam, and Demetri were there.

"Finally." Miguel yelled.

I saw Amy blush as she put her head on my chest and I only laughed as I wrapped my arms around her.

"We were wondering when it'll happen." Sam said.

Even she was wondering? I'm surprised.

"Just promise me one thing." Sam said.

"What?" I asked.

"Please don't hurt her."

I looked down at Amy and then looked back towards Sam. "I promise."

Sam sent me a small smile before we heard commotion.

"Shit." I heard Sam say.

"What?" Miguel asked.

"It's my parents." She said.

We all immediately went back to the house and Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso were there, shocked to see the mess that Cobra Kai made.

"What the hell happened here?" Mr. LaRusso asked.

"A fight happened." Sam said. "Cobra Kai came."

"And Eli isn't apart of the dojo anymore." Demetri said.

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