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"Yo!" Said a new voice. Everyone turned and, leaning against the open doorway looking as innocent as a newborn baby, was Kakashi. He gave them all a little wave.

"You're late!" Screamed Sakura

"Well, there was this old lady crossing the road and since I'm a good man..."

Naruko's breath caught in her throat as her eyes widened then shut tight with pain.

"No no no..Don't give yourself away because of a memory.."

"So why don't we all go to the roof?" Kakashi suggested

"You're seeing him for the first time... Remember.. He's not the man you remember...not yet"

Naruko opened her eyes again when she felt Sasuke nudging at her.


Kakashi looked over them as they came out onto the balcony one by one. he leaned back on the railing and affected a look of uncaring laziness as his eye narrowed.

He was already informed of 'Naruto-turning to-a-girl' incident from Sandaime

Hell. How could a boy turn into a girl? This question has been pestering him for the last few days.

Or was it that Naruto's really a girl, but Yondaime had put some jutsu which would turn her into a boy until she reaches at certain age?

That... does make sense though.

"Well, she's very pretty, no surprise since she's the child of Minato-sensei and Kushina"

"..So everyone, why don't you guys introduce yourselves?"

"Uhhh, can you explain what that means?" Sakura asked

Kakashi spreaded his arms in 'what' manner. "Things you hate, things you like, hobbies and dreams for the future, that kind of thing"

"Can you give us an example? I mean why don't you go first?" Sakura asked again.

"Seriously? Fine"

The jounin lazily pointed at himself  "I'm Kakashi Hatake, My likes and dislikes..hmmm, I don't feel like telling you that"

"What?!" Sakura released an annoyed sound, Sasuke looked bored while Naruko's just giggled.

"My hobbies.. I have lots of hobbies"

"that's useless, we only learned his name" Sasuke whispered to Naruko.

"As for my dream for the future? Hmm... never mind that" He smiled at his student's various reactions..

"Alright pinkie, your turn"

Sakura smiled widely and went ahead. "Ok!" She cleared her throat "My name's Sakura Haruno! The things I like--I mean the person I like" She glanced over at the Uchiha and giggled.

Naruko rolled her eyes

"M-my hobbies are reading and shopping, My dream for the future is.." She again glanced over at the Uchiha and released a loud squeal, hurting their ears.

"Oh Lord" Kakashi thought in dismay "And what do you dislike?"

Sakura pointed at Naruko who raised a brow at her "Naruko and another dumb blonde!"

Naruko smirked inwardly. "I know, you never liked me during our whole 4 years together.. Don't worry, bitch, your life will soon turn into a hell"

Then Sasuke opened his mouth. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I like training, I dislike weak idiots who talk big but have no backbone, and my dream for the future.. is the resurrection of my clan"

Kakashi cocked his head. "Oh? Then what about killing his own brother? Where did that go?"

Slowly, the jounin moved his eyes onto the blonde girl "And you?"

"My name is Naruko Uzumaki"

She stood up and straightened her back, her flowing golden hair sliding down her shoulders.

"I like instant ramen in a cup, and training! I despise people who betray their friends" she resisted the urge to throw a pointed look at Sakura, who wasn't paying attention anymore and was just staring at her manicured nails

"My hobbies are learning scrolls and, well I've taken a new hobby of gardening, my dream for the future is becoming the greatest Hokage ever!" She flashed a playful wink at Kakashi.

Kakashi suppressed a smile. Wow, what a surprise.

"So now that we all know each other, let me brief you" he cleared his throat "you've all passed the genin exam, which means you now have the ability to be genins, but you still have to pass my genin exam to see if you are worthy of being genins"

"W-what do you mean Kakashi-Sensei?" Sakura asked nervously

"It means that I'll give you your final genin exam tomorrow, meet me at training ground 7 at 5 in the morning" he told. "And I suggest you don't eat breakfast or else" he paused dramatically "you'll vomit"

Sakura gulped, Sasuke and Naruko looked at each other

"Got that?"

"Yes" The three chorused

"Alright, then let's see each other tomorrow" Waving at the three the jounin turned, but when he was about to disappear Naruko's voice stopped him.

"Wait, sensei."

"Hmme..?" Raising his silver eyebrow Kakashi turned to the girl.

Soon the jounin had to blink quizzically as Naruko looked up and stretched her hand out around his neck, standing on her tippy toes

"What the-"

"..This one" Picking a strand of silver hair that had been clinging onto his collarbone, Naruko giggled.

Kakashi blinked again "Well thank you, Naruko" Then he disappeared in a dark puff.

Turing back and picking up her small bag Naruko waved. "Bye teammates" Then she took her leave

Sasuke silently picked his things up and began to chase after Naruko.

Left alone, Sakura rolled her eyes "ugh, that stupid blonde"

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