forty three

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Sasuke, Naruko and Sakura raced inside the forest, Naruko and Sasuke were leaping from branch to branch while Sakura was on the ground trying to keep up.

"This brings back memories" Naruko thought. "But I've changed the past so much, that means the future I know won't be the same. Speaking of which, Kurama that day when you told me to 'mark' Sasuke. You weren't just telling me that to just bite him for no reason weren't you? You told me to mark him for a reason"

"Yes and you will thank me later, that mark you gave him will serve as a sort of...binding seal of sorts"

"What do you mean by a 'binding seal'?" Naruko asked intrigued

"He already looks at you like you're a treasure to be gaurded. That binding seal will secure his loyalty to you, it would mess with his head a bit, make him possessive of you, in short you just gained yourself a good gaurd dog"

Naruko snickered at this. Sasuke..her gaurd dog? The prideful almighty Uchiha at her beck and call. She allowed herself a small smirk, oh this was good, this was VERY good.

"What else would that binding seal do?"

"It'll prevent him from getting marked by that snake Orochimaru"

"That's...perfect! I was actually still stuck on what I should do with that pedophile but now that I know he can't touch Sasuke I can relax"

"Aren't you planning on killing him?"

"Actually, I have someone else who will deal with Orochipedo for me" she recounts her conversation with Sasuke's older brother. "Itachi promised to eradicate all of my enemies"

"Right, I almost forgot about him. Remind me again,Kit, how did you convince him to be on your side?" The demon fox chuckled amusedly. "I let him in on my plans, I promised change in Konoha, big changes, and I promised a new life for him, a life with his precious brother"

"Are you planning on letting the younger brother in on your plans?"

"" Naruko hesitantly said. "He's going to be in for a, big surprise"

"So you won't tell him anything? I don't think he'll appreciate being left in the dark, especially since you're involving his older brother who, in his eyes, is responsible for the massacre of their entire clan"

"I won't keep him ENTIRELY in the dark, I'll talk to him. Also, reminder that thanks to me he's having doubts about the massacre, he's willing to hear Itachi's side of the story if given the chance"

"But that's the thing isn't it, he won't be hearing THAT story from his older brother huh kit?"

The blonde didn't answer. Naruko jumped off from the branch she landed on and lands on the ground right Infront of Sakura, Sasuke followed her lead. "What's up?" He asked. Naruko looked at Sasuke with a faux innocent look "Um..Sasuke there's something I need to tell you"

Absentmindedly the boy reached for the bite mark on his neck and started rubbing it. Naruko noticed that the mark was begging to look like a tattoo of her clan's spiral. "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked, noticing her eyeing his neck.

Naruko's eyes shifted to Sakura who was glaring at her intensely. "Er..I need to speak with Sasuke alone, Sakura stay here we'll be quick"

She led Sasuke away before the pink haired girl could say another word.

The pinkette growled and stomped her feet, glaring at the retreating backs of her teammates. "Why does she always get to have Sasuke-kun to herself?" She thought in jealousy. She sat down on a large, thick tree root and began playing with her hair, bored and anxious.

Then, her eyes caught sight of a couple of mushrooms growing near her. Curious, she approached the mushrooms and knelt down to inspect them.

After studying the mushrooms she recognized them to be poisonous. "These are dangerous, if anyone ate these they'd be paralyzed from the waist down and then dead in a matter of minutes" she thought. She stared at the mushrooms for a bit, before reaching to pluck them greedily and stuffing them in her pockets. "They..might come in handy later, who knows?" She thought with a dark smirk, already picturing the image of her blonde teammate lying motionless on the floor, foam in her mouth and her eyes rolled to the back of her head


"What did you want to tell me? We're far away enough from Sakura that I can't sense her chakra signature anymore" Sasuke said when Naruko stopped walking, but her hand was still wrapped around Sasuke's waist.

"Sasuke, What I'm about to tell you might, or would, make you angry at me, but please listen to my explanation first before freaking out ok?"

Sasuke nodded, feeling unsure but also anxious. Naruko took a deep breath. "Your brother, Itachi. I've been in contact with him"

As expected Sasuke's eyes widened in shock, anger flashed in his deep black eyes as well as restlessness and confusion. But she was glad he didn't voice his feelings yet and allowed her to continue. "He's been secretly spying on me for a couple of weeks now, I got fed up of him watching me through his crows one night and made arrangements to meet each other via his crows" Naruko continued. "I wasn't sure if it would work, but I guess it did since he showed up in my apartment a few days later"

"When was this?" Sasuke demanded. "When did he show up in your apartment?"

"Only yesterday" Naruko said sheepishly.

"Did he do anything to you?" Sasuke demanded again. "What did you and him do?"

Naruko shook her head. "He didn't do anything. And we just..talked". Sasuke looked at her determinedly "About?" He asked. "You" she said. "And...the massacre"

Anger flashed in Sasuke's eyes. "How dare dare he...what right-" frustrated and confused Sasuke ran a hand down his face while his other hand scratched at the binding seal Naruko placed on his neck.

Naruko bit her lip and took his hand in hers again. "Don't scratch it like that or you'll end up bleeding" she scolded. "You're acting like you care about me when just yesterday you were talking about my clan's massacre to the very same man who caused said massacre. You're really something else Naruko" Sasuke spat angrily

"There's more to the story than meets the eye Sasuke" Naruko said, gently rubbing the mark on Sasuke's neck. The boy relaxed a bit and suddenly hugged her tight. "How do you even know?" He asked

"I can't tell you" Naruko whispered in his ear, continuing to rub her mark on him. "What do you know about my clan's massacre Naruko? You seen to know about my own clan than I do"

"I can't tell you that either. Not yet" Naruko said hesitantly. The boy just hugged her tighter as if she was his lifeline.

"I may vomit from this" Kurama commented in disgust.

"Shut up you mangy fox" Naruko hissed.

"Well well well isn't this a cute sight" someone cackled from above them. Instantly Naruko and Sasuke broke apart and got into defensive stances. A genin from Amegakura jumped down from the tree branches above them

"You got a cute girlfriend there man, I wouldn't want to damage such a pretty face" he said with a smirk taking out a kunai. " about this, whichever of you two has the scroll, hand it over to me and no one gets hurt"

Naruko raised a brow and Sasuke looks annoyed. "What a cocky idiot" they both thought

When neither of them budged a bit, the enemy growled before grinning. "Well then, I guess I'll have to take it by force!" He charged at them

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2024 🎊🎊🕛🎆🎇🥂🎉

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