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Sasuke stood with his back turned to the front door, his sharp eyes taking in the abandoned household he could see from his vantage point. To the left was the living room, and he only saw the vague outline of his couch in the inky blackness of his house. His kitchen was to the right, and he could see the soft glow of the time.

Four thirty AM.

Turning his back to his house, he yanked open the door and stepped out into the predawn light. His eyes adjusting to the small amount of light, Sasuke stepped forward and jumped onto the roof closest to his house.

Looking over the vast regal emptiness of the Uchiha District, a look of longing flashed underneath his eyes. Shaking the thoughts of want away, he turned his back.

With a light step, he was soon falling from the roof. His face blank and indifferent, his arms hung loosely by his side. Halfway down he kicked off the wall, using the momentum to turn his fall into a blindingly fast dash across the rooftops.

Jumping off the last rooftop, he soared for a few seconds before landing and taking off at a dead run towards Training Ground Seven. Arriving after the short sprint, he found Naruko already there.

She was leaning lazily against a tree, her eyes drooping in boredom, her lashes brushing her scarred cheeks. She raised her head when she noticed he was staring, her ocean blue eyes crinkling with a small smile, her golden hair shining against the slowly emerging dawn.

"Good morning Naruko" Sasuke broke the silence with the formal greeting, nodding his head towards the blonde.

"Good morning Sasuke!" Giggling Naruko stood up. Allowing herself a few moments to stretch, and hearing the loud cracking of her back, Naruko spoke up again. "So, are you ready to start training?"

A look of disbelief settled behind the Uchiha's eyes before he schooled his features into a blank mask. "Now?" He raised an eyebrow, folding his arms.

"No, fifty years from tomorrow." Silence settled on the duo.

"Yes now, idiot." She hissed, shaking her head at how the blatant sarcasm was lost on the raven.

Realizing his obvious lapse of judgment, his jaw tightened the tiniest bit- something Naruko caught. "Kakashi is going to-"

"He'll be two and a half hours late. Remember how we waited for him yesterday? Trust it's a habit of his." Mockingly smiling at Sasuke, Naruko hit his shoulder playfully. "So, ready?"

Sasuke thought over the invitation for a moment before allowing a smirk to remain on his otherwise blank face. "Let's do this. What will you teach me first?"

"Today we'll start with chakra-control!" Rubbing her hands together in a sinister manner, a small chuckle slipped past the blonde's plump pink lips. Sasuke'e eyes momentarily lowered down to her lips, before he forced himself to settle on her eyes. "Right, I see" he said lamely

She led the boy to the wooded area behind the three posts staked into the ground.

"This is going to be fun!" Naruko thought evilly, smirking in pleasure


Naruko was staring at something on the ground.

She poked it lightly with her foot, before she slammed her foot into its side. Flinching with a start, Sasuke shot his death glare at the pretty blonde, the glare intensifying as he noticed her look of enjoyment. Sasuke was sprawled on his back, trying to regulate his breathing once again.

Two hours of nonstop tree-climbing made him extremely exhausted. Through that feeling, however, another feeling quickly blossomed and overshadowed the tiredness. Accomplishment.

He was grinning, realizing that all of this was worth it.

The face of Naruko suddenly appeared above him again, blocking out the morning sun. A blinding smile was plastered on her beautiful face. This was another reason to be worth all that gruelling exercise, her smile for him.

"Well done," she praised, extending a hand towards the boy.

Sasuke grabbed the hand, hauling himself off the rough forest floor.

Naruko's smile, if possible, became larger and brighter. She offered him a bottle of water.

"You're almost there, but your progress is amazing! Being able to reach half of the tree in only two hours...." the blonde trailed off, at a loss of words.

Sasuke eagerly took the bottle, gulping down the refreshing liquid and basking in the praise.

He directed the conversation to her, praising her. "It's nothing compared to how you've already mastered it," Sasuke replied easily, thoughts drifting to the fact that he would be able to walk up trees with little problem in no time.

Naruko grinned, ignoring the sudden heat that threatened to spill across her face.

Folding her hands behind her head, like she used to do as a boy, she was about to speak when a large growl broke the awkward silence. Looking at Sasuke's stomach, she dug into her pocket and took out a wrapped bundle. Unwrapping it she pulled out a few onigiri.

"Here, have some." She held out one to Sasuke, taking a bite out of her pork flavored one.

"Kakashi said we shouldn't eat breakfast, Naruko" he reminded

A sly smirk appeared on Naruko's face as she chewed thoughtfully. "Are you sure? He SUGGESTED that we skip breakfast, not that we COULDN'T eat at all" A mischievous glint twinkled in her vivid blue eyes as she pulled out another one and chomped on it happily

Sasuke said nothing else as he took the proffered onigiri and took a bite. Soon he held a smirk as well.

It was okaka and tomato onigiri, which was his absolute favorite. He briefly wondered how Naruko knew what his favorite food was, but quickly brushed it aside.

Out of the blue, Naruko questioned with a giggle and a playful nudge "So who's your big sister now?"

It took a moment for Sasuke to understand what the girl meant. He frowned, "What? You aren't-"

"From now on you will listen to what your big sister says, okay? I mean, I'm a girl which means I automatically have more knowledge than you!" Naruko said smugly, reveling in the shocked look that flashed across the Uchiha's normally stoic visage.

"I'm months older than you! And I resent that, you're still a dobe Naruko!" Sasuke snarled indignantly, feeling his pride wounded.

"Age is nothing but a number honey!" Naruko purred seductively, leaning close to Sasuke's face. She bit her lip, her blue eyes widening, giving her a cute pout look.

"Stop it" Sasuke muttered, feeling blood rush to more areas than just his face.

He lightly pushed her away, a hint of a smile playing across his pale lips.

"Youuuu know you love me" Naruko teasingly said

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