twenty eight

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Kakashi pulls his hand away from Naruko and placed it behind his neck. "Ahh, right, well-" he chuckled awkwardly. Naruko giggled, enjoying the fact that she made her sensei flustered

"Well, I should go back to the exercise" Naruko said jogging back to the tree and running upward to where Sasuke was still sitting on the branch.

For about an hour the three did nothing but practice tree climbing, and they did it with perfect ease. Well, almost perfect, because occasionally Sakura would become distracted of Naruko and Sasuke that she would fall off. Every time Naruko offered her a helping hand, Sakura would look disgusted and slap the hand away, causing Sasuke to get angry, but with just one look from Naruko, he would force himself to calm down and return his focus to the exercise

Secretly, Naruko whispered to Sakura "I know you're still bitching about what happened last night, but if you can't learn to swallow your personal feelings about someone as well as your pride, you'll end up dead in this line of work" she said with a growl

Sakura froze, and nervously swallowed. Naruko had given her a look that was as hard as steel, a shadow casted over her eyes and she was eminating bloodlust so strong it nearly made Sakura choke. But just as soon as she showed that side of her to the pinkette it was replaced by the sweet and innocent persona that she shows to everyone else

"Sasuke I'll race you to that tree over there!" Naruko said already running, Sasuke chased after her.

Sakura sat there, against the tree, feeling very shaken up. "I don't give a damn! That two-faced conniving bitch deserves karma and I will make sure she gets her just deserts!" She declared angrily, feeling just as much hatred as Naruko probably feels for her. "Everyone thinks she's a perfect angelic little princess, well I'll show them what she really is, a whore, a liar and a demon!"


"So how did we do Kakashi-sensei?" Naruko asked, beaming at the man. The way she looked at their team leader made Sasuke feeling a bit annoyed and jealous, something that embarrassed him deep down.

"You all did quite well--" Kakashi began. "JUST well?" Naruko raised a brow, smile still present on her pretty face. She was fishing for praises, all of them could tell. Kakashi sighed and chuckled "You did fantastic, your control of chakra was good as well, Naruko you might become the youngest Hokage in Konoha history-" He was interrupted by Naruko raising her hands

"Ok ok that's too much, youngest hokage? A simple 'you were amazing Naruko I'm proud!' Would have suffice but I guess that'll do too" she said, making Sasuke roll his eyes with an amused smirk. Kakashi couldn't take the sassiness of this girl "who does she take after?" He wondered

"You were awesome" said a young person in awe. Everyone turned to see Inari partly hidden behind a tree. When he realized they had seen him he revealed himself to them, Naruko offered him a warm smile, to which he returned, she also saw he was holding the kunai she had given him last night

"How long have you been watching us Inari-kun?" Naruko asked. "Not long" Inari mumbled shyly, his heart was beating fast now that the blond oneechan's attention was solely on him.

"Hmm..I already know that, but what can you say about my brother here?" She suddenly hugged Sasuke's arm, causing Sakura to nearly shriek, Kakashi to raise a brow, and Sasuke to turn red. Her breast was pressing against his arm.

"Brother?" Inari tilted his head. They don't look alike

"Yep! He's like a brother to me, we're THAT close, that's why his development matters to me, so why do you think Inari-kun? Was he as awesome as me?" Naruko asked hugging Sasuke more.

"He was great" Inari said. "He was so cool, running up that tree like that like it was nothing! And he was so fast too"

Sasuke was surprised at the kid's compliment. And honestly felt...happy? He was used to compliments and praises but ever since he started training with Naruko and getting her praises(those weren't quite as often as he'd like) it felt less hallow. And now a praise from a child?

Naruko noticed the small smile on Sasuke, she smirked and reached to pinch his cheek. "Ow! Hey!" Sasuke swatted her hands and she laughed melodiously.

Inari watched their exchange with curious eyes. It seemed to him like they were much closer than just the bond of brother and sister, or was he over thinking things? Nevertheless he didn't want Naruko-neechan's entire attention to be on the black haired niichan.

Impulsively he rushed forward and hugged Naruko tightly, face above her stomach. Narulo got taken aback. Sasuke glared at the brat, Sakura was confused and Kakashi was amused.

"Inari-kun?" Naruko smoothed Inari's hair with her delicate fingers.

"Hey what are you doing?" Sasuke tried to tug the boy off of Naruko but Inari slapped his hand away. This made Sasuke all the more annoyed

"Stop holding onto her like that--..we have training to finish and you're getting in the way!" Sasuke snapped attempting to pull Inari by the back of his shirt. But the smaller boy just held on tighter

Kakashi watched on with amusement

"The training went really well, and now we've got a kid hugging Naruko like a koala and Sasuke is jealous about it. I wish I have a camera to campture this scene with" he thinks as he watches Sasuke continue to pull and pull on Inari

"Sasuke stop it! He's just hugging me what's the big deal?!" Naruko demanded with a pout and a frown. "He's obstructing our training" Sasuke growled. "Training's over anyway!" Naruko reminded

"Well he--" Sasuke turned red, angry and embarrassed. "What? Hmm? Nothing to say?" Naruko challenged with a smirk.

"He's probably just jealous Naruko give the boy a break" Kakashi intervened.

"What?" Naruko looked at Kakashi in confusion.

"He doesn't like the fact that Inari-kun is hugging you, but he's too shy to admit it" he continued on. Sasuke turned even redder and let go of Inari "I'm not!" He growled angrily.

"Why would you be jealous of Inari-kun hugging me?" Naruko asked tilting her head. Sasuke turned even redder, if possible, he casted a glare at Inari who just buried his face against Naruko's chest to avoid the glare

"Maybe he wants to hold you like that Naruko?" Kakashi suggested with a teasing tone.

"Piss off Kakashi!" The boy stormed off into the forest. "Now now Sasuke it isn't right to tell your teacher to piss off, where are your manners?" Kakashi continued to tease the poor boy. Naruko just put a hand against her mouth, feigning ignorance

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