fifty eight

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Naruko licked the mating mark on Gaara's neck, placing little nibbles and kisses all over it. She was fully sated, but knew it wouldn't be long before her heat comes back again, and she'll be on her belly as her partner pounds behind her like an animal.

"Are your legs alright Naruko? Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something?" Gaara inquires. Naruko shook her head. "No, as a matter of fact I have never felt more better than I do now, I feel so....fulfilled" Naruko answered, nuzzling his neck.

Gaara smiled, pleased that he satisfied his mate. "but we should probably go out, I'm sure your siblings are worried over you, since we haven't left the room in two days" Naruko said with a giggle.

"Stay here, I'll get breakfast" Gaara said, leaving the bed and her embrace and putting on his clothes that were left on the floor.

Naruko smirks and licks her lips as she watched her mate get dressed, her eyes roaming his body and counting every bite and love marks she left him.

She looked down at her naked body and saw the number of love bites he left her too, they were bigger than hers. "Don't take too long" Naruko said with a girlish giggle. Gaara nodded and walked to the door, legs wobbling slightly.

Once Gaara was gone Naruko grabbed her discarded panty and put on a large shirt that reached her knees.

She looked out the window, watching the villagers work, talk to each other, and some children were playing with the sand. She breathes in the air, eyes closed, feeling at peace. Her eyes opens however when she felt something slide down her thighs, she looked down and giggled when she saw Gaara's essence sliding down from her vagina. She squeezed her legs together and fell back on the bed, rolling around, she takes Gaara's pillow and pressed it between her legs.

"Ha...ha....ha.." She panted feeling hot again. "Kurama, when's my heat going to end?"

"In about a week" was Kurama's dismissive, short reply. "So I'll be stuck here mating with Gaara for a whole week? I can't stay here that long! Nobody except Sasuke and maybe Kakashi knows I left the village, without permission mind you, and if I take any longer getting home Sasuke's gonna lose his mind!"

" can always take a second mating partner" Naruko can practically hear the smirk in Kurama's voice. "I'm sure the Uchihas would love to help ease your pain, Itachi would be preferable, he's older and would have more experience, Sasuke meanwhile is a novice but I'm sure he would do whatever it takes to pleasure you"

"Do you realize that saying those things about those Uchiha brothers is creepy?" Naruko said with disgust, as she rubbed the pillow in between her thighs. "I was just making suggestions for you" Kurama retorted. "But if you don't want the Uchihas then you can always fall back on Hatake" the fox demon barked out laughter.

"Didn't you say Itachi and Kakashi would have to wait a few years before mating with me?" Naruko narrowed her eyes

"I meant they'll have to wait three years before they can impregnate you"

"Impregnate?! Nobody said anything about me getting pregnant!"

"Relax kit, I didn't mean you'll be pregnant now, your body is too young. You'll have to wait three years before they can put a baby inside you"

Naruko bites her lips, as she imagined herself pregnant, her belly round for carrying an infant. She felt....excited, at the idea of her becoming pregnant because of her mates. And she won't be pregnant just once, for she'll have many more babies to come! Two or three babies for each mate she has.

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