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Zabuza finished his water dragon jutsu and watched as an exact copy materialized right next to it. "What the hell?" The sharingan was supposed to be able to copy jutsu-not do them at the same time.

"What's this? How can you read the future?" he started to say when all of a sudden Haku came hurtling through the foliage, through their dragons and into a tree.

"Haku!" he yelled, abandoning his water jutsu and running towards his fallen partner. He looked the boy over, noting all the injuries and then glared at Kakashi in pure hatred.

"This isn't over yet Hatake!" He warned "I'll see you again and when I do, I will crush you" and then he disappeared in a swirling of leaves.

Kakashi watched them go, blinking in utter surprise, before sighing. "Well that was something" he thought, before turning around and headed off to where the rest of his team was at.


"Damn..." There was a pained grunt from Sasuke and the sound of a bone being put back into place. "Shh" Naruko soothed. "Don't look at your leg just look at me" she said. "It's f-fine" Sasuke gasped. "It's just a bone and a bit of-- AHH!"

"You were saying?" Naruko smirked

Meanwhile, Sakura who was hiding with Tazuna,  paled dramatically at the cry "Sasuke-kun?" she called out, her voice coming out in a squeak, thready with fear. "A-are you okay?"

Sasuke and Naruko emerged from the bushes, the Uchiha leaning heavily against Naruko, looking worn out. "I'm fine but his leg got broken, don't worry though I fixed him up" she patted his back with a smile.

Kakashi gave a relieved sigh. But his head was pounding with the number of questions he has for Naruko, and it was still growing.   He clearly had heard Naruko shouting "Rasengan!" while in battle.

How the hell does she know that jutsu?

He'll ask her about it later, but for now....

"All right now let's continue...Urrrgh." Slurring the end of his sentence Kakashi grabbed his head.

"Sensei?" Naruko asked approaching him. She let Sakura take Sasuke from her, her attention now switching to their leader. "Are you ok?" She tentively placed a hand on his arm. Kakashi leaned against a tree and lowered, eyes closed and brows furrowed.

She traced his brows worriedly, and even massaged his temples. "Sensei.."she whispered.

Sasuke who was watching this exchange, frowned. "Naruko, he's-"

"I'm fine" Kakashi said, opening his eyes. "I just...over used my sharingan" eyeing the boy watching them, he stood up, and gave her a close eye smile. "We should go"

Naruko nodded. She knew Sasuke was jealous, and Kakashi felt relief at her closeness because her presence soothed him. What a devious little thing she was...

"Now's not the time brat!" Kurama hissed at her. Naruko rolled her eyes but followed after Kakashi anyway, walking beside him and staying as close as possible. "The Uchiha is glaring daggers at the back of your sensei's head, meanwhile, the pink brat is in disbelief at your ability to take charge of the situation and fight alongside him while she stood in the sidelines.."

"Sounds like I'll have to deal with her whining ass later again"

"Or much sooner"

Meanwhile, Sakura was seething

Well, Sakura had watched Naruko fight, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. The dobe, the dead-last of the class, took on highly trained assassins and...WON.

She quickly looked towards Sasuke. She was already aware that Sasuke had his mind on Naruko up to whole this time, making a reaction at her every movements. He'd even scolded the dobe for being so dashing!

Sakura bristled at the treatment, jealousy raising it's ugly head. Sasuke and Naruko had hated each other since they'd both been six years old!Everyone had been ignoring the worthless child! They abused, avoided, and resented the stupid blonde.

But ever since it was revealed that Naruto was actually a girl named Naruko it was like the entire village did a 180 overnight! People worshipped the ground she walked on.

Sure she can see the occasional hatred and doubt, but it was overshadowed by their DESIRE for this...this whore, this BITCH!

The pink-haired kunoichi's green eyes flared maliciously.

Future Walker(Fem Naruto x Harem) Where stories live. Discover now