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"Two bowls of ramen please!" Naruko chimed, beaming at Ayame. The older girl smiled fondly at her. She really still can't wrapped around her head that Naruto was actually a girl called Naruko

"Well, Naruto was always like a little brother to me... Naruko is still him deep down, after all I've always wanted a sister " she thought fondly. She looked over at the boy sitting beside Naruko

"Is he your new boyfriend Naruko-chan?" She teased, smirking at the Uchiha boy.

Sasuke blushed, and Naruko choked on her spit. "N-no! I'm not--" Sasuke stuttered. "He's not my-" Naruko tried to defend. "We're just-" the two chorused. Ayame laughed loudly, causing the boy and girl to turn even redder. The Uchiha grumbled something incoherent and looked to the side, expression embarrassed and annoyed.

Naruko forced herself to calm down. "Sasuke's my teammate and former classmate, we've gotten close lately" she said innocently. Ayame kept her teasing smile and mischievous look "Oh I see" she trailed in a sing song voice. Naruko raised a brow at her uncharacteristic behaviour

"Is it because I'm a girl now?" Maybe Ayame is more comfortable teasing her because it's a 'girl-to-girl' thing.

"Er.. Where's our ramen?" Sasuke said.

"Oh! Right" Ayame went to get their orders. "You already know what I like Ayame-nee" Naruko said. "Add extra tomatoes to Sasuke's bowl" she added.

Sasuke looked at her, surprised.

Naruko stared back, blue eyes shining. "Hm? What's the matter?" She lifted a delicate blond brow. "Nothing" Sasuke muttered turning away, she saw that his ears were red. "Awwee is he crushing on me?" She thought.

Nah, he couldn't possibly. It's probably just pre-teen hormones


A little while later, the two parted ways. Sasuke offered to walk her home, but she said it was unnecessary. She had something else to do before going home anyway

"What is it?" He asked with a frown. Clearly disappointed at being turned down. She rolled her eyes "my groceries"

"Oh" he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Sasuke Uchiha, awkward? Never thought I'd see the day" she chuckled in her mind. "I'll be fine Sasuke, there's no need for you to worry your pretty little head about me" she winked and hurriedly turned on her heel. She inwardly smirked because she knew she had flustered him yet again

"He's still looking" Kurama supplied. "I'm aware" she responded. "What's your deal? Do you plan to seduce the Uchiha brat as your loyal lap dog or something?"

"That's not a bad idea" she thought with a dark smirk. "Having Sasuke wrapped around my fingers and doing whatever I want just so he can have my attention, it's pathetically adorable" she giggled in her head. Before Kurama can respond however she added "but no... I'm genuinely helping him, his puppy dog eyes is just a bonus for me. Sasuke's not going down that dark path again, I won't let him"

"You say that Kit, but I can tell you're still holding a grudge"

Naruko frowned. "No, I'm not"

"Listen you damn had precious people for you, but now you're sent back in time, you and they don't have any trusts, or friendships yet! With that fact, if you keep on chewing how you were hurt by their careless words or actions in your former life, then you'll eventually end up hating them" he growled at her

"I don't think it will ever stop hurting, you got a shitty deal when the gods decided to send you back in time... But this is your chance to change things, deal with it"

Future Walker(Fem Naruto x Harem) Where stories live. Discover now