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Two days later

Sasuke looked at the streaming water in front of him then back at Naruko who was sitting comfortably on the rock.

The blonde flashed him an encouraging grin.

Sasuke gulped before questioning "Do you have any pointers?"

"Honey I have maybe few" she said. Sasuke blushed at being called 'honey'

"Maintain a constant amount of chakra on your feet if you want to be able to walk on the water successfully" she instructed "Unlike the tree, water is constantly moving soooo you'll have to account for that" was the thoroughly amused voice of the blonde

Sasuke nodded and tried it, only to fall straight into the water and jump out, wet and gasping.

Naruko bursted into a fit of laughter "HAHAHA!! Oh Sasuke y-you look like a rat who'd just escaped from the sewer! Hahah!!"

Sasuke growled"Don't laugh!" he muttered, nevertheless he tried again..

and again.. and again.

Naruko watched the boy she smiled, albeit a little sadly, but also with fondness. He was trying so hard, it was adorable. She remembered when it was she who'd been struggling to walk on water and Ebisu-sensei the one teaching her.

Yeah, it wasn't Kakashi who'd taught her…


"Sensei! Hey, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called, running through the hospital. It was the day after his fight with Kiba. "I have a favor to ask"

Kakashi held up a hand. "You don't have to say anything more Naruto, I had a feeling you'd come to me sooner or later..."

Naruto grinned, barely restraining the urge to jump up and in excitement. Kakashi-sensei, one of the best Jounin ever was going to teach him. He'd finally be getting some real training--

"...Which is why I found someone else to supervise your training." Kakashi finished.

Naruto wilted. "W-what? Why?" He felt both angry and hurt. He was Kakashi-sensei's student too, wasn't he entitled to some training? "But I want you to train me Kakashi-sensei! You're the one I want, not some random Jounin"

Kakashi stared at him evenly "I have something else to do so I don't have time to look after you, I'm sorry Naruto" he answered, though he did sound remorseful

Naruto huffed bitterly. He knew what the 'something else' was that Kakashi had to do. It was the same 'something else' that every teacher he'd ever known had to do as well. He wondered why he'd ever thought that Kakashi'd be any different. "I get it" he said. "You're going to train Sasuke aren't you?" he accused, pointing a finger into Kakashi's face.

Kakashi's face didn't change "Don't get mad Naruto. I found a much better teacher for you than me."

Naruto tensed. Don't get mad? Why shouldn't he? He was being passed up for that bastard of an Uchiha. Again.

Kakashi had found him a teacher to get him out of the way

And so what if this teacher was good and knew a bunch of stuff? He wasn't Naruto's sensei!

He wasn't Kakashi..

"Fine, I have something else to do too!" Shouting angrily he turned and stormed away, ignoring the tears gathering in his eyes


"Hey, dobe!"

Naruko nearly sprang up when she realized that Sasuke's face was directly in front of hers.

"Teme, I'm frightened!" Placing her hand onto her chest Naruko accused, letting a look of shock to expand over her face.

Sasuke felt a heat flaring over his face at the defensive pose of the girl, but quickly brushed it away and spoke. "I asked you if you're ok" His eyes twitched with a concern "I mean, you suddenly seemed to be somewhat gloomy"

Naruko took a deep breath, trying to hold her mind from trailing back to memory."I'm fine. So now let's see what you've done"

"I think I got it"

Naruko shook herself out of her morbid musings to look at Sasuke who had indeed managed to stay standing upright on the water.

"Good! Now walk around the circumference five times without falling! I know you can do it"

Twenty minutes later, after Sasuke managed to achieve 'walking on the water' Which in outcome caused the boy to be all wet, Naruko gave a thumbs up at the boy "You're a good student, as always" see smiled

"I'm always a good student. " Sasuke smirked "Rookie 1"

"And so modest too" She giggled. "Well that's all for today, see you tomorrow"

Sasuke picked up his bag.

"Aren't you going to... go home?"

"I will, I'm just gonna head for some ramen first" was all she said. Sasuke scratched the back of his neck. "I'll go with you"


"I'm hungry anyway" he turned his head, trying to hide the blush on his face. She smiled "cute, is he trying to score a date?"


He perked up.

"Come on, your treat"

"My treat?!"

"It's my deserved thanks after putting up with you all day!"

Sasuke groaned, but still trailed after her

Future Walker(Fem Naruto x Harem) Where stories live. Discover now