Twenty four

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Just as she had predicted, Inari was crying in his room. She listened as he quietly sobbed and watched him stare painfully at a picture.

She knocked against the door frame. "Inari, may I come in?" She asked softly. Surprised, the boy jumped and spun around to face her, face pink and cheeks tear stained. He thrusted the picture inside his pocket. "Na-Naruko-neechan" he stuttered, some tears still gathered in the corners of his eyes.

"In the past I thought I shouldn't comfort him but instead prove to him that he still has people to rely on" she remembered. "People who will fight for him"

Cautiously entering the room she smiled softly at Inari, before reaching a hand to tuck a hair behind Inari's ear. "Here, blow" she produced a white cloth from her pocket and pressed it against Inari. The boy did as instructed and blew, hard. She chuckled before folding the cloth and placing it in her pocket again. She'll wash that later

"What's bothering you little guy?" She asked. "Was it because of what my friend said? Was it because they talked about fighting Gato?". She cupped his cheeks and wiped away a single tear threatening to slide down his cheek, letting her new maternal instincts take over for now. "I just don't want to get my hopes up, only for it to be ripped away from me" Inari whispered

"Well you don't have anything to worry about, I can promise you this" she giggled. "I'm gonna kick that Gato bastard where the sun don't shine!" This caused Inari to laugh a little bit. "And not just that! I'll kick the butts of all the other bad guys too! Anyone who think they can just come to people's lands and bully them into doing what they want...that's not the ninja way"

The blonde saluted and ruffled Inari's hair. "I am Naruko Uzumaki, the best ninja you'll ever meet, reliable and smart, bold and fearless, and like Sasuke had said I'll be the future Hokage of Konoha!" even though being Hokage isn't at the top of her to-do-list right now.

Inari looked at her in amazement. "You're amazing" he said in wonder, eyes shining in admiration. Naruko just chuckled and squished his cheeks. "H-hey!" He exclaimed frowning. "Come on smile! That smile secomds ago was handsome but you can do better!"

"No! Uhh-" he blushed because she was so close to his face. Inari was feeling all sorts of emotions at once. Happiness, wonder, awestruck, embarrassment, and hope. She was so cool and nice, and brightened his dark mind. He knew she was special immediately after meeting her. "There's the smile!" Naruko cheered and hugged him from the side, making Inari smile even wider. "Just know Inari, you can count on me! But..."

She suddenly looked serious. "You have to rely on yourself too". He looked confused "What do you mean?" He asked quietly. To his shock she pulls out a kunai from her back pocket and handed it to him. "The will of fire is strong in you, I can tell. You just don't see it yet, when the time comes to protect your loved one you can use this" she said.

He stared at the blade in his hand. The will of fire? When the time comes to protect someone he loves. Those would be his grandpa and mother for sure, but what can a small kid like him do?

"Naruko-neechan, I don't think-" he tried to give the blade back but when he looked up she was already gone. He clutched the kunai in his hand, feeling a new emotion. Except it was unknown.


"What do you think you are doing giving him a kunai? and What's with the mood swing? You went from a sweet big sister cheering a depressed kid up to a serious person encouraging murder"

"I'm not encouraging him anything, I'm letting him make the decision for himself, if he'll take a stand for himself or cower" she said aloud. She was heading to hers and Sakura's room. "Trust me, thanks to the changes I did, and my new appearance, my words will impact him in more ways than one"

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