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the vanishing of will byers
(part one)
november 3rd, 1983

sitting in the basement of the wheeler's house, addy glanced at the four boys who were playing dungeon and dragons

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sitting in the basement of the wheeler's house, addy glanced at the four boys who were playing dungeon and dragons. she shook her head slightly, as she was waiting for her dad to pick her up. she was originally there for nancy to hang out, but she was on a phone call with her lover boy, steve harrington.

"somethings coming, somethings hungry for blood." the brunette boy she knew as mike said as he glanced up from the manual. addy huffed as she got up from the couch and walked upstairs into the kitchen.

she heard mrs wheeler yell for the boys telling them it was about time to head home, so she walked over to the phone and dialed the sheriffs station.

"hello? is jim hopper there it's addy." she said into the phone as she twirled the cord around her finger.

"oh hello dear, no he's not here right now but i can send officer callahan or powell to come and give you a ride, if you'd like." the woman on the other line said.

"oh no ma'am it's alright i can bike thank you, have a great night." addy said into the phone quietly.

"you too sweetie, bye bye." the woman on the other line said before hanging up.

addy walked back downstairs to see the boys packing everything up, telling them to wait for her so they can bike together, before she elft she ran upstairs to say goodbye to nancy.

"is that the man himself?" addy said laughing as she looked at her friend on the phone with the cord wrapped around her finger.

"shh!" nancy said quietly with a grin, before talking into the phone.

"tell him i said hi, bye nance love you!" addy said waving her friend goodbye and walking outside where the boys were waiting for her.

"hey dusty, you think you can race me?" addy said laughing.

"for sure, but you're gonna have to race me and will." dustin said hopping onto his bike.

"seems easy." addy said laughing as she drove out into the road.

"what do i get if we win?" dustin and will said together.

"hm, i'll buy you both comics if you beat me." addy said laughing.

"oh hell yea!" dustin said as the three of them raced down the road, the boys beating her by a few feet.

"damn it! well you'll get the comics soon when i see you again. bye boys!" addy yelled as she turned into her house. she hopped off her bike and walked inside and sat on the couch.

addy took off her converse and walked into the kitchen, picking up the beer bottles off the counter. her father, always told her to not drink nor smoke, she was allowed out of the house until 10, and 11 on weekends. nothing much happens in her life especially with her dad. by the time she was done cleaning the kitchen, she was very tired and couldn't wait up for her dad so she went to sleep.


addy woke up roughly around six o'clock from hearing the phone ring multiple times, she walked over to her dad on the recliner and shook him slightly.

"dad! wake up i have to get to school, and the phones ringing." addy said as she put on her white converse.

"oh- i do you need a ride?" her dad quickly stammered out as he sat up on the couch.

"no sir, i called jonathan." addy said as she walked into the kitchen, pouring her dad a coffee glass then handing it to him. he thanked her and took a sip. "could you answer the phone it sounds urgent?" addy said as she walked into the kitchen.

"no mornings are for.-" her dad said before she cut him off. "mornings are for coffee and contemplation, yes i know dad." addy said laughing, as she sat next to her dad on the couch eating an apple.

when she heard a car honk outside she quickly got up, adjusting her tank-top underneath her flannel. she said goodbye to her dad and walked outside where her friend jonathan was waiting for her, she hopped into the car and sat her stuff in the back-seat.

"hey jonathan!" addy said smiling.

"hey, did you see will last night?" jonathan said as he started the car.

"yeah, i raced him with dustin why is he okay?" addy said looking at him, with a worried expression on her face.

"yeah, i hope he just went to school early." jonathan said as they were now headed to school.


when they arrived at school, addy got out and grabbed her stuff and quickly thanked jonathan for the ride before heading inside the school.

she noticed her friends nancy and barb, so she headed to them while barb was leant against addy's locker which she was originally trying to get to.

"so did he call?" she overheard barb say which made nancy grin nervously. addy rolled her eyes.

"keep your voice down!" nancy said laughing.

"yes he did call! now move." addy said before barb rolled her eyes and moved before talking to nancy.

as the bell rang, addy was walking to class when she saw her friend jonathan leaving school. she sighed before turning on her heel and going into her class-room.

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