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the flea and the acrobat

(pt 1)

addy walked to the wheeler's house after school had been out, she greeted mrs wheeler before walking down-the stairs and knocked on the basement door

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addy walked to the wheeler's house after school had been out, she greeted mrs wheeler before walking down-the stairs and knocked on the basement door. the day after she had found out that will was alive.

or well, she hoped.

a few seconds later, mike swung the door open "addy? what are you doing here?"

"i have something to tell you guys." she said moving back mike and looked over at the group where she saw lucas, dustin mike and eleven wearing a blonde wig. "you guys may wanna sit down."

the boys sat down.

"will's not dead." addy said looking at the boys, who looked at her with straight faces. "what? no celebration no woohoo's your bestfriend isn't dead!"

"we know he's not dead." mike said blankly as el looked at addy.

"well, i'm kind of freaking out so who better to tell than your friends who are younger than you!" she said sarcastically, holding up thumbs-ups. as she sat on the floor next to el.

"have you heard anything, or seen anything?" mike asked.

"i've heard screams recently, but the main thing was lights flickering almost like morse code." addy said looking at the boys.

"upside down." el said looking at her.

"what?" addy said confused.

"you're hearing the upside down, where will is." she said making eye contact with addy.

"where is the upside down?" addy asked, hoping for a good answer out of el.

el shook her head, addy nodded looking at the boys.

"another dimension!" dustin said.


addy got home shortly after spending hours with nancy and the boys. her dad wasn't home, so she made herself dinner and began watching tv.

will's funeral was tomorrow, addy couldn't believe it although will could've been alive she didn't know what to believe.

she went to sleep shortly after her dad not showing up.


the next morning she woke up with a raging headache, she stretched and walked into her living room. where her dad was asleep on the couch.

she grabbed a cup of water and sat on the recliner, as her leg shook nervously.

all she wished was for will to be back home safely, along with barb too.

"dad, wake up! will's funeral is soon." she said loudly.

"shit." he said sitting up before rubbing his forehead.

"i'm getting dressed." addy said before getting up and changing into a black dress that was once her moms. she hated funerals ever since sarah passed, but will was alive, and she knew it.

once she arrived at the wheeler's house, ms wheeler was standing behind both her and nancy, neither of them smiling, except for mrs wheeler. she was supposed to be strong anyways.

"you both look lovely girls." mrs wheeler said before leaving and going into the living room.

addy sat on the couch until they all left for the funeral.


addy held the white-rose in her hand, wishing the whole thing was over already. hearing the pastor talk made her wanna roll her eyes, when she glanced over at the boys they were laughing slightly then earned a slight scolding from mrs wheeler. she smiled and looked down at the casket.

when the pastor finished what he was saying, it was time to throw the roses in the casket. she tossed it gently and walked away. addy walked past some people earning apologetic looks and glares from others. some of them knew what had happened to sarah. she didn't like funerals for that exact reason.

as addy was walking around she saw nancy and jonathan sitting with eachother.

"hey! are you two having a meeting without me?" she pouted sarcastically.

the two smiled up at her.

"sorry we couldn't find you." nancy said laughing.

"it's alright, just tell me what you found out." addy said looking at the two.

"we're looking for the thing that took barb and will" nancy explained.

addy remembered what eleven had told her, "oh! el told me it was in some place called the upside down."

the two of them furrowed their brows looking at the girl.

"okay, so yes i know that sounds weird but think about the thing what if that's where it lives." addy continued to say.


jonathan sat in which addy believed was lonnie's car trying to get into the glove-department,  when jonathan pulled out a small gun addy and nancy both widened their eyes.

"are you kidding?" addy said looking at jonathan,

"what, you're telling me you wanna get another photo of this thing?" jonathan said stuffing the gun into his bag.

"jeez jonathan, you could get arrested." addy said sighing.

"well, it's the best thing we got in mind." jonathan said causing nancy to roll her eyes, and for addy to look down at her shoes. "what? you both could tell someone and they wouldn't believe you."

"your mom would jon." nancy said looking up at him.

"she's been through too much." jonathan said whispering.

"but she deserves to know." 

"yeah, and i'll tell her when this thing is dead." jonathan said causing addy to look over at him.


addy walked up to her home, and she opened the door slowly when she did she saw her dad on the floor with things scattered everywhere.

"dad?" addy asked nervously, everything was on the ground including broken lamps and the couch ripped in pieces. "what happened?"

hopper quickly hushed his daughter by putting a finger over his lips, she walked over to him and saw him holding a wire, a bug.

addy took the bug from her dad's hand and stood up and smashed it with her shoe, before kneeling back down. "are you drunk or-" 

hopper looked at his daughter, "no-no, i'm just fine something's going on here though." 

"i promise, we'll get through whatever it is together." addy said smiling.

"yeah." her dad said sighing.

"i love you dad." addy said giving her dad a hug.

"love you more kid." 

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 - steve h x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now