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the monster

"jonathan!" addy yelled as her voice became hoarse and scratchy

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"jonathan!" addy yelled as her voice became hoarse and scratchy.

"where are you? nancy! jonathan!" addy said running before sitting down and catching her breath.

"addy! nancy!" she heard jonathan's faint voice. "just follow my voice!"

"jonathan, i can't i can barely hear you!" addy shouted, as she heard nancy screaming quietly.

it had been a few minutes since she last heard nancy, she got up and began to run. "nancy! don't leave me!"

she ran towards her right and immediately regretted it, she saw the creature her and nancy saw earlier. it looked over and hissed before walking towards addy. she shrieked before trying to get away.

she remembered the knifes she had grabbed before leaving, she grabbed one out of the bag as the creature began to creep towards her faster. she gulped before aiming the knife where a humans heart would be. the creature fell to the ground where she heard nancy's voice again.

"addy! follow my voice!" nancy shouted, as addy began to run towards the tree. "hurry it's about to close!" jonathan said faintly. addy slid through the tree, covered in slime. she began to cry as she gripped onto her friend's shoulder.


addy turned on the water to the shower before stepping in, she relaxed as the water hit her body. she washed her hair until the soap on her hair had turned pink. she kept her eyes closed until she felt a sting on her left shoulder. she gasped and finished showering before looking into the mirror and seeing bad bruises.

"shit." addy said, before thinking about when she hit her back onto the tree.

she changed into a hoodie she had brought in her bag and a pair of shorts, she walked into nancy's room where she saw a sleeping bag on the floor. nancy insisted that she had gotten her shower first.

"alright nance, go get your shower." she smiled before sitting on the bed, looking out the window she thought she had seen something outside but she thought she was just being paranoid because of the creature she had seen earlier.

nancy came back in after a few minutes, and sat on the bed.

"better?" jonathan asked from his place on the sleeping bag.

"yeah." nancy said laying down next to addy.

addy's hand went under her hoodie and felt her bruises, her skin burned at the touch. she felt nancy sit up and looked up at jonathan.

"jonathan, can you just come up here?" she said sighing, addy sat up and excused herself before going to the bathroom. she stood in front of the mirror looking at herself.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 - steve h x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now