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the body
(sort of a filler chapter ??)

as addy sat in the passenger seat of her dads car, she stayed quiet thinking about mrs byers and what she was possibly going through

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as addy sat in the passenger seat of her dads car, she stayed quiet thinking about mrs byers and what she was possibly going through. she thought about jonathan and how he's going to hear about his little brother passing away.

as they arrived addy quickly got out of the car, she went into her room and shut the door before falling asleep.


addy woke up the next morning feeling terrible, her face was stained with tears, her nose was stuffy. she stretched and got out of bed before looking at herself in her vanity mirror. she walked out of her room to find her dad not there, she knew he was dealing with the situation possibly at the morgue.

she looked at the time and realized she would've been in second period, she walked quickly to the phone and dialed the police station. when flo answered.

"hey it's addy, did my dad say where he was headed?" she huffed into the phone as she rubbed her bridge of her nose.

"hello sweetie, yes i believe he went to the morgue." florence said sighing as addy nodded before speaking into the phone.

"thank you so much flo, have a good day." addy said before hanging up.

she then checked the time again, and decided to go to the morgue. she walked outside and began to walk towards the town. roughly around forty-five minutes passed and she finally made it into the morgue.

when she walked into the morgue she looked over and saw the familiar faces of nancy wheeler and jonathan byers.

"what the fuck?" she whispered as she walked over to them.

"why are you here?" nancy asked looking at addy.

"i could ask y'all the same damn thing, which room is my dad in jonathan?" addy said with her hands on her hips.

"that one." he said sighing pointing over to a room.

"thanks." addy said walking over to the room and knocking when her dads eyes locked with hers. her dad let her into the room and when she saw mrs byers also.

"hi mrs byers, i'm so sorry for your loss." addy said as she gasped at wills body on the autopsy table.

"hi sweetie, but that is not my son." joyce said pointing at the body.

"ms byers-" addy tried to say before her dad cut her off.

"joyce, that is him. i'm sorry i know it's hard but he's gone." he said looking at joyce.

"no hop, that is not my boy! he is alive." ms byers defended herself quickly. addy saw ms byers tearing up and she felt really bad, that's how she felt when sarah passed. rejection, she couldn't believe her own daughter was dead until the funeral.

addy was dragged out of the morgue by jonathan and nancy, them frantically explaining that whatever took barb must've took will.

"jonathan you were out there that night-" nancy said looking at jonathan.

"yeah about the pictures i'm-" jonathan tried to say before being cut off by addy.

"we don't care about the pictures, did you see anything or hear anything?" addy said leaning against jonathans car.

"no.." he said looking at the brunette then the blonde.

"shit i'm going crazy." addy said letting out a breathy laugh.

"well if you're hearing things, we're seeing things so we're all going crazy." jonathan said laughing slightly.

"i heard a scream that night, it sounded like a little boy..almost like will." addy said looking at her shoes.

"no, wills dead." jonathan said coldly.

"no jon-" addy tried to say before being cut off.

"enough addy, he's gone." jonathan said looking at her. nancy took a glance at addy then jonathan.

addy knew something was up, how could he have been dead? she knew jonathan was wrong.


as they all stood in the red room, addy was looking at nancy and jonathan and saw how they talked softly to each-other. she cleared her throat quietly as nancy smiled and looked down at a photo.

"that's it." she heard nancy say as she walked over to the pair. "that's what i saw!" nancy said looking at jonathan then addy.

"oh my." addy said, she couldn't finish her sentence or her thought because of what thing was in the photo.

"i swear- i thought my mom was crazy cause she said that wasn't will, that he alive." jonathan said before continuing, "but addy you said you heard a scream, and so did you nance."

"i don't know if it was him, but it sounded like him." addy said looking at the photo.

"and if he's alive.."

"then barb.."

"those were barb's screams, they had to have been." nancy said looking at the two.

"could've been." addy said shrugging, wishing everything was like it once was.

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