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will the wise

addy got home from school, when she walked in she noticed el wasn't there she hoped she was in her room

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addy got home from school, when she walked in she noticed el wasn't there she hoped she was in her room.

"el?" she hollered out, no response. she walked into her room and saw el fast asleep. she smiled before turning around and sitting on the couch in the living-room.

when her dad arrived home, he looked over at addy who was staring at the tv.

"oh hey pops." she said looking up at hopper.

"i saw el at school today, did you know about that by any chance?" addy said looking at him.

"yeah, and apparently murray isn't crazy and the lady described el perfectly." hopper said looking at his daughter.

"damn ol murray isn't crazy, by the way el is in the room." addy said pointing to her bed-room.

"are you hungry?" her dad asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"i could eat, but i'm going to go check on el." addy said walking into the room, looked at the bed and realized it was just a pillow replacing el. "shit dad!" she yelled as she ran into the kitchen. "el's not there! i could've sworn she was there before."

"jesus christ, that kids gonna be the death of me." he said rubbing his face, the door shot open and revealed an eleven in a rain coat.

"friends don't lie isn't that your bullshit saying?" hopper asked sternly, looking at eleven in the living room, as eleven kept making her way to her room.

"eleven don't you walk away from us!" addy said following shortly behind her.

"where'd you go on your little field trip huh? did you go see mike?" hopper asked eleven.

eleven sighed and threw her arm up before letting it fall, "he didn't see me."

hopper walked into the girl's room, "well that mother and her daughter did and the called the cops, now did anyone else see you besides them?" he said sternly, earning looks from eleven who was on her bed.

"i need you to think el please, did anyone else see you?" addy said causing hopper and eleven to look at her.

"nobody saw me." el hissed, addy walked over to her dad who was standing by the dresser.

"i hope you realize you put all three of us in danger." hopper said in a stern voice.

"you promised...i go! and i never leave! addy gets to go all of the time why not me! nothing happens with her!" eleven said as tears started forming in her eyes.

"yeah, nothing happens and you stay safe!" hopper said, "addy gets to go because she's been here for a long time, everyone knows me! so they immediately know her el!"

"you lie!"

"he doesn't lie el! he protects and feeds and teach! just like i teach you!" addy said, " was scared out of my mind el! do you remember me teaching you the word scared?"

"all i ask of you is to follow three simple rules, just three. and you can't even do that!" hopper said.

addy walked out along with her dad, before her dad walked over to the tv.

"you're grounded." he said as he stomped into the kitchen, "and you know what that means?" as el exited her room, with her fists balled up. "no eggos." hopper said grabbing them out the freezer before throwing them on the floor. "and, no tv for a week."

eleven glared at him as hopper tried to pick it up, but she wouldn't let him. addy looked at the younger girls nose who was dripping with blood.

"let it go eleven!" addy said.

"no!" eleven glared.

"well alright then, you just went from no tv for a week then a month to no tv at all!" hopper said pulling the cable out.

"no!" eleven said running to the tv trying to fix it. as hopper walked into the kitchen leaning against the counter, he began to speak. "you have got to realize, that all of your actions do in-fact have consequences eleven."

"you are like papa!" el said with tears flowing down her face.

"oh really? i'm like that psychopathic son of a bitch. you wanna go back to the lab, cause i can make that happen with just one phone call." hopper said, as addy gasped quietly.

el turned to hopper before pointing at him, "i hate you." she turned to addy, "i..i..hate you too." el's voice breaking at the end of the sentence.

"you know, i'm not too fond of you right now either." hopper said looking at el. "wanna know why? cause you're a brat. b-r-a-t." addy said.


when addy woke up, her house was a lot more quiet then it usually was, she sat up quickly before walking out of her room into her living-room.

she quickly put on shorts, and a band tee. it was getting a little too hot for a sweater. she noticed her dad wasn't there, neither was his truck. she knew he had to be at the store or work, she grabbed her backpack and bottle of water.

she tried to dial nancy's number, but nobody picked up, she tried the byer's number but it was busy, so she had to settle for either walking or calling steve.

she needed to get the option out of the way so she called steve first.

the phone began to ring before steve picked up, "oh my god, steve hey can you pick me up please?" addy huffed into the phone.

"yeah, i'll be there give me a few." steve said.

"alright, bye steve thanks!" addy said hanging up.

addy stood outside out her home, waiting for steve to arrive. she wasn't particularly nervous to talk to steve, she just was upset with both him and billy.

she was staring off into the distance, when she heard an engine approach. she grabbed her backpack and began to walk to steve's car. 

she opened the door, put her backpack in and sat down. 

"hey steve, thanks for picking me up. i appreciate it." addy said looking down at her shoes.

"yeah, of course where's hop at?" steve asked.

"i have no idea, probably at work or the store." addy said as they pulled out her driveway.

the car was silent for a few minutes, before steve began to speak again.

"i'm sorry-" he said.

"for what, i was the one who got upset?" addy said turning to the boy.

"i know, i just shouldn't have reacted like that still." steve said turning into the school parking lot.

"neither should i, i should've been the one to apologize thanks anyways stevie." addy said smiling, before getting out as the pair walked into the school.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 - steve h x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now