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holly, jolly

when addy had arrived home, her dad still wasn't home

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when addy had arrived home, her dad still wasn't home. she walked in and sat on the couch, sighing. she just decided to go to bed.


later that next morning, she laid in bed thinking about the looks on nancy's face and steve's although her and steve weren't necessarily friends, she cared about him and nancy a lot.

"hey kid, you up?" her dad said knocking on her door.

"yeah, just getting ready." she lied as she sprung out of bed and quickly got dressed. by the time she had walked out of her bedroom her dad was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"hey kiddo." her dad said smiling.

"hey pops." she said leaning up against the kitchen-counter.

"how is mrs byers holding up?" addy asked shifting to look at her dad.

"best as she can be, you ready to go?" her dad said shaking the keys.

"yeah." addy said smiling before walking outside with her dad.


as addy's dad dropped her off at school, she began walking towards the building once she made it to her locker. she waited for her friends until she heard nancy's voice and steve with her.

"hey." nancy said smiling.

"hi nance, hi steve." addy said sighing.

"let's go babe" steve said pulling nancy away from the blondes locker.

"asshole." addy said leaning against her locker.


as addy was in class, she thought about last night and looked up seeing nancy ask a girl if she saw barb earlier which the girl shook her head no.

when the bell rang to go to lunch, addy shot out of her seat and began walking with nancy to the cafeteria.

"i told steve to save us seats." the brunette said smiling.

"alright cool." addy said giving her a slight smile.

"i'm worried about barb, she always had a perfect reputation." nancy said sighing.

"babe, it's okay she's probably skipping." steve said looking at nancy then addy.

"steve, barb has never skipped ever." addy said looking at the boy.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 - steve h x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now