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the upside down

addy sat in the backseat of the car, humming to the slight sound of music playing on the radio

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addy sat in the backseat of the car, humming to the slight sound of music playing on the radio. they pulled into the driveway of the byers house and got out quickly.


the three teens walked inside and addy began to screw the christmas lights, because ms byers said that will had contacted her with them prior to this.

as they finished setting up the lights, addy began to sharpen the knifes from the night prior, while nancy and jonathan set up the bear traps. she looked over at them and sighed, she felt like she was third-wheeling.

once they finished everything up they all looked at each-other.


"remember." jonathan said looking at the girls.

"straight into will's room and" nancy started.

"don't step on the trap." addy said nodding.

"wait for the yo-yo to move." nancy said looking at jonathan.

"then.." jonathan flicked the lighter on, earning nods from both girls. "alright, ready?" jonathan asked looking at them. 

"ready." nancy and addy said before taking a deep-breath.

the three teens held out there hands as the other hand held the kitchen knife to their skin, "on three." 

"one, two.." jonathan stopped before looking at nancy, "you know you don't have to do this." 

"jonathan stop talking-"

"i'm just saying-"

"three!" addy yelled, as they moved the blade across their palms making a cut and blood spilled onto the floor.

after nancy was done wrapping jonathan's hand, she moved onto addy's who stared at the wall thinking of nothing in particular. nancy looked outside as she heard the wind whistle her eyes widening slightly.

"don't worry." jonathan said looking up at the girl, causing her to smile softly.

addy looked over to the two, they definitely had chemistry but didn't wanna ruin their little moment so she looked outside as she heard a car door. she looked over to see steve's bmw outside.

"shit guys?" addy said standing up, she heard steve's voice from outside.

"jonathan!? are you there man i just wanna talk it's steve!" he said banging on the door.

nancy walked over to the door and opened it, "steve you need to leave, now."

"hey look i'm not tryna start anything okay?" 

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 - steve h x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now