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the flea and the acrobat
(pt 2)

addy stood in the woods, in front of her house trying to think of ways to try and kill whatever took will and barb

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addy stood in the woods, in front of her house trying to think of ways to try and kill whatever took will and barb. she sat down on a log and her leg shook nervously. she stared off until someone caught her attention.

"addy?" steve called out as he walked through the woods.

"jesus! don't sneak up on people steve." she said as she stood up and walked over to the boy.

"hey i wanted to talk to you if you're not busy?" he said running a hand through his hair.

"i'm sitting in the woods, do i look busy?" addy said cracking a smile.

"i don't know you might be a nature lover." he said shrugging.

"quite frankly, not really but what do you need steve?" addy said wrapping her arms around her.

"do you wanna catch a movie, i heard sleepaway camp is good and that you like horror-" steve said before addy cut him off.

"steve- as much as i would love to, i cant." addy said pushing past the boy.

"wait- why?" he said walking behind her.

"just can't steve." addy said walking to her house, when she looked back it looked like steve was talking to himself. she couldn't tell him that she was waiting for a phone call from nancy.

she walked up the stairs to the house, and when she walked in she saw her dad putting on his jacket.

"who was that outside?" her dad said putting on his hat.

"oh just a friend from school." she smiled nervously.

"alright, well i'm going to visit joyce." her dad said giving her a kiss on the forehead before turning on his heel and leaving.

"shit." she said after she heard her dad leave the driveway.

she sat in her bedroom waiting for the phone call from nancy, when she was listening to her walkman she overheard the phone ringing, she quickly grabbed it and answered.

"hello?" she huffed into the phone.

"hey, it's nance meet me in a hour at the woods where will disappeared and bring some sort of protection." nancy said quickly.

"i'll be there."


addy got dressed in a light blue oversized sweater and grabbed some of her dad's hunting knifes and stuffed them into a bag and began walking to the woods.


addy walked next to nancy, shining the flashlight onto the ground she was walking on. the bottom of her white converse were muddy and looked gross. they always were some-what dirty but she always cleaned them.

suddenly nancy came to a halt stop, making addy stop too. jonathan looked back at the two girls, "what? are you tired." jonathan said sarcastically.

"oh shut up." nancy said looking deeper into the forest, "i heard something."

addy looked over and heard a noise, almost sounding like a wounded animal. the three of them walked to the sound and found a deer who was badly injured.

"oh my god." addy said gasping.

addy and nancy kneeled near the deer, whilst jonathan was behind them looking at the deer.

"it's been hit by a car." nancy said pointing towards its wounds, the deer whimpered.

"it's okay, shh." addy said petting the deer's head avoiding any of it's wounds, nancy and jonathan looked at each-other knowing they had to kill it.

"we can't just leave it guys." she said looking up at the pair.

jonathan handed nancy the gun, while nancy put a reassuring hand onto addy's shoulder. addy nodded before standing up and looking at the deer and backing up.

nancy stood hesitantly, as she held the gun before jonathan walked over to her and grabbed the gun.

"i'll do it."

"i thought you said?"

"nance, come on i'm not nine anymore." he said as he held the gun.

addy stood back with nancy, and held her hand whilst jonathan cocked the gun and pointed it at the animal. right before jonathan pulled the trigger, the deer was pulled into the trees, the teens walked over to the tree.

"what the fuck?" addy huffed out.

"where did it go?" nancy said looking at the tree.

"i don't know, do you guys see any more blood?" jonathan said looking at the girls.


"i don't."

addy and nancy walked over to the tree and kneeled down, "jonathan?" nancy said looking up at him.

the tree was covered with what looked like slime and blood?

"nance, i'll go with you." addy said, before looking at jonathan who just shook his head and both girls went into the tree.

when both girls got off their knees, and took in their surroundings it was a lot colder and had slime everywhere and a lot of dust was floating around.

"holy shit, this is it." addy said trying to shine her flashlight.

"it's what?" nancy asked confused.

"the upside down." addy huffed out as her flashlight began to flicker, earning a nod in return.

addy and nancy passed by a tree, and heard a snarl they turned their heads quickly as they peeked behind a tree and saw a tall, white slimy figure bent over something. the creature opened up it's mouth and snarled at the girls, causing them to run away.

"jonathan!" addy shrieked as her and nancy's hands separated.

both girls were yelling for jonathan.

"jonathan help us please!" addy shrieked as she heard a crunch from a few feet behind her, she finally found a tree and hid behind it. trying to catch her breath.


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