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the weirdo on maple street
(part one)

addy and the boys stood around the strange girl they had found in the woods

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addy and the boys stood around the strange girl they had found in the woods. they were searching for will but came across a girl with a shaved head, and a big oversized yellow shirt. she had no shoes on her feet, and had a worried expression on her face she looked in danger. the girls eyes darted between addy and the three boys she was with.

"is there a number we can call for your parents?" mike asked as the girls eyes lingered on addy for a little longer.

"are you in danger?"

"is that blood?"

"who are you?"

addy rolled her eyes at the boys, questioning the obviously terrified girl in front of them. lucas tried to reach his arm out to touch her but mike swatted his hand back, and the girl flinched.

"stop it you're scaring her!" mike yelled at lucas.

"she's scaring me!" lucas shot back.

"i bet she's deaf." dustin said before clapping, in response the girl flinched. "not deaf." addy hit dustin on the back of the head softly. "guys stop it, she's obviously freaked out and she's cold stop with the questions." she said before smiling at the girl.

mike walked away from the rest of them and grabbed the girl a pair of clean clothes, and when he came back he gave her the clothes. "here, these are clean okay." he said smiling slightly, putting them next to the girl on the couch.

she stood up taking her jacket off and then tried to take of her shirt which sent lucas and dustin into a screaming fit. "no, no." addy stopped her and mike pointed to a bathroom. "privacy, you get that?" the girl looked at addy in confusion, addy smiled slightly and then the girl walked to the bathroom with mike.

addy looked at dustin and lucas, who were making weird faces at eachother. reacting to what happened earlier when she tried to take off her shirt. dustin pulled up his shirt slightly and knocked over his hat. mike came back to the group.

"this is mental." dustin said shaking his head, grabbing onto his hat.

"atleast she can talk." mike said arguing.

"your little sister says more and she's three." lucas said scoffing slightly.

"she tried to get naked!"

"there's something seriously wrong with her like in the head." lucas said motioning to his head. addy looked over at them and scoffed quietly before turning back to take in her surroundings.

"she just went like.." dustin said before doing the motion he did earlier.

"i bet you she escaped from pennhurst." lucas inferred.

"from where?" addy and mike asked at the same time.

"the nuthouse in kerley county." lucas informed, addy scoffed and crossed her arms.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 - steve h x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now