Part 30

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Steve dropped me off, waving goodbye to him, I went inside. I looked for Billy just to let him know that I was home. He was no where to be found. Going up to my room I started to pack things. I wonder where he went off too? Probably to see Heather. I bet he tells Heather everything but can't talk to me.

Fine Billy go off be with Heather. Oh hell Mrs. Wheeler in fact. That's probably why you stayed home. To be away from her, whatever. I started to take things down as Pipi came into my room and sat down on the chair.

"Hey princess."

"Hi Pipi."

"How was Max?"

"Good. Max is growing up, her school and jobs are going good." I was taking down some of my boxes and going through them as I throw most of it away. "Have you seen Billy?"

"No. I thought he was with you."

"He said he had to make some phone calls and when I got home, Billy was gone." I held up something and put it in the trash.

"I see. Well I'm sure he has an explanation for where is has been." Pipi always looked for the best in people even when they burn you for the second time. Third time your a gonner. But with Billy it was different.

"I'm sure." I fakely smiled. Or having sex with Heather. Fucking baster. I know I had moved on knowing that he wouldn't cheat. Never wanting to leave me and blah blah blah. Seen it, heard it all before. People lied to save there asses.

Pipi left as I continued to clean my closet. Then Billy comes in. I could hear those heavy fucking ass boots. As I continue to throw things away. Leaning in the doorway he asked. "Hey are you hungry?"

I looked up at him. I looked at him and then right to the things that I was doing. "Not really I ate with Max and Susan." I lied.

"Oh. Okay." Walking into the room more. "Heard that Karen testified today."

"Yup." I didn't say anything more than that.

Sitting across from me on the floor. "So whatcha doing here?" Poking through the boxes that I had around me.

Deep breathing as I let out a sighed. "Just going through old junk."

"I see." Billy looked through one of the boxes. Pulls out a award for being an A student. "Awe. Look at this."

I see it an award that I had gotten in the second grade. "Mind throwing it away?"

Looking at me and then the award. "Why? It something that I wish that my father would had kept it."

"Cause it has to deal with him and I want nothing from the past." I threw away an old shirt that I've never worn.

Billy put the paper aside. Ignoring me as he would show me something and I would told him to throw it away. Not asking how Max or Susan are. I just asked. "I was looking for you when you got home."

"Yeah I went out."

"I noticed." Throwing some more things away.

"It's basically like your throwing all your stuff away."

"Well if there is nothing I want. Where else shall it go? Clothing are going to the mission, so are some of the toys. Paper work that I don't need awards means nothing to me." I sorta snapped at him.

"Okay." He backed off.

"So where did you go?"

"I went for a run, after I made some phone calls." Sadly sighing he asked. "How are Susan and Max?"

"You could go see for yourself."

"Tory. Please." He got up from the floor as he heads towards the door.

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