A Visit

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I shut the door and walked to the kitchen. I was pretty hungry, I don't think I've eaten since I got here. I opened one of the cabinets and found some food. Not knowing what half of it was, I grabbed something I actually recognized, a pomegranate, and closed the cabinet. I quickly wolfed down the fruit and looked around.

I was thinking about going back out and exploring more of the city when I heard a knock on the door.

Strange. I wasn't expecting company. Unless Larux came early somehow.

I walked to the door and cautiously opened it. Standing there was the angel I had bumped into last night, Krel.

I glared at her. "How do you know where I live?"

Krel shrugged. "I know things."

What a way to start a conversation with a total stranger.

We sat in awkward silence before I began, "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to check in on you, after you literally went out cold at a slight run-in last night," Krel smiled sympathetically. "Mind if I come in?"

"Kind of," I replied blatantly.

"You're a bit of a grumpy guy, you know that?" Krel chuckled slightly.

"And you're kind of annoying, you know that?" I remarked.

I glared at her silently for another moment. Krel's optimism never ceased.

I sighed angrily. "Fine, come on in."

I opened the door and Krel walked calmly in, looking around the room as she did.

"Nice house," she complimented.

"Thanks, I guess."

I wasn't one for small talk, but Krel sure was. She immediately tried (and succeeded) to start a conversation.

"So, where are you from?" She asked me.

We talked for a while. I found out that she had come here from a town called Portulas, actually not far from Cyclodae, where I claimed to be from. She had moved because she had always dreamed of living in Norxentor, because Portulas was apparently not a very well kept place.

Something like that. I zoned out a few times.

By the time I realized how long we'd been talking, it was already 3 o' clock.

"Damn," I muttered, "Time goes by fast."

At my statement, Krel looked at the time. Her expression went quickly from casual to panicked.

"Oh, crap! I have to go now!" She quickly said. "It was nice getting to know you, Inarix!"

I remained silent as she rushed out the door with haste.

I sighed, my ears finally getting a break from the past hours of talking.

You could say that this is one of the reasons demons and angels don't get along. Angels are overly optimistic and chatty.

Demons are quite the opposite.


"Where were you?"

"S-sorry I'm late, [ERROR-404_File:chr.name not found]. Got caught up."

"This is important. Stop taking it so lightly! The entire city is at stake here!"

"I know, I know!"

"Then what caused you to be so late?"

"...I was talking."

"With whom?"


"What? He's our prime suspect, I told you not to speak with him until we got more information."


"Good. Now next time, at least tell me you might not make it here on time. I was starting to get worried."

"Of course."


541 words

Angelic OmenWhere stories live. Discover now