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[Three Months Later]

The cool breeze calmed the burning feeling in my skin as I stepped into the light. It was getting less and less irritating with every passing day. Maybe it was just because there was less sun down in Hell than in Heaven.

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked, looking at Krel for an answer.

The mint-hued angel smiled, her purple eyes shining with mischief. "You'll see!"

She took my hand in hers and dragged me along the path, pulling me to the road and onward towards the castle. I laughed, running with her but keeping her fingers locked with mine. I loved her, there was no denying that.

The angels we passed mostly just did one of three things: ignored us, waved cheerfully, or fearfully darted away. Those were the usual reactions when I showed my face around here. Although the numbers of the people that ran was slowly going down. That was reassuring. Maybe they're finally getting at least used to a demon living within their walls.

Most of the damage from the Demon's Turning - that's what everyone seems to be calling it for whatever reason - was repaired. There were angels with the power to create matter with their bare hands, which had sped along the process. They make me nervous, though. While I was trapped with Sxorces, I... saw visions of his past. Sxorce's telekinesis was similar to the matter creation, very mentally connected. I hoped they used their powers wisely. The last thing we need is someone else losing their mind.

I followed Krel along the road, and I almost tripped when she stopped to suddenly. We were right outside the castle, the two guards at the front looking at me warily. There was no doubt that any survivors of Sxorce's castle rampage like I assume they are would never trust me.

"Why are we here?" I asked Krel.

Her tail twisted around one of mine. "Be patient, silly."

"I'm not a patient guy," I objected lightly, smiling while I crossed my arms.

"Well, you will be today," Krel said.

The doors opened. Fjonxor walked out from inside, looking much more confident about his position as king than he did three months ago. He was also much more comfortable around me. He understood that his parents' deaths weren't entirely my doing.

"Hello, Omen," Fjonxor nodded to me in acknowledgement, "Hello, Krel."

Krel and Fjonxor exchanged a glance. I smiled. "Are you two plotting something?"

"Nooo," Fjonxor smirked innocently, "But us three might be."

From the door came another angel, Kyrlas. His formerly confident gait was reduced to a permanent limp. Something had gotten messed up when he had hit the wall, apparently. Some lengthy explanation I barely recalled.

Kyrlas smiled when he saw me. "Good to see you, Omen."

"Good to see you too," I returned the bright expression with enthusiasm. "Can you all tell me what you're up to now?"

Kyrlas nodded to the other two angels. "Those two are troublemakers, you know that?" He chuckled before continuing, "Anyway. I wanted you here to ask you something. They were just making a great deal about it. I wanted to ask you if you still wanted a position in our army. I haven't filled your spot in case you'd still want it after all this time."

"You're serious?"

"Serious as I can be."

I thought for a moment. He kept my spot this whole time? Wow.

But did I want to join the angelic forces again? The only reason I did when I first arrived was because of the mission. And now I'd be the only demon there, and that's how everyone would see me, may that be a good thing or a bad thing.

But then again, I would need to fight if the demons ever came back...

I smiled and bowed my head to Kyrlas. "Yes, actually. It'd be my honor to help protect this city from further harm.

Kyrlas beamed at me. "I knew you'd come through. I already know your fighting ability, so training won't be much of an issue for you. Plus, you have your little lover over there-" he gestured to Krel "-so I won't keep you long when you come. Just get over here once or so a week, to show you care at least a bit. Okay?"


Kyrlas nodded, and turned to hobble back into the castle.

Fjonxor looked at me and patted my shoulder. "Thank you, Omen."

I shrugged. "No problem. I kind of owe it to you guys, after bringing in the demons to kill everyone."

Krel held my hand, our fingers interlocking. "Don't blame yourself for that. It was Sxorces that forced you to let them in. You're innocent."

"Well, my hands aren't exactly the cleanest..."

"Then we'll clean the mess," Krel smiled. She threw her arms around my neck in a hug. My heart warmed, and I hugged her back.

"Alright, I'll leave you lovebirds be," Fjonxor laughed, "See you guys soon?"

"Sure!" I replied, "Bye!"

I waved a farewell to the young king as he reentered the castle, shutting the front doors behind him.

I ran my fingers through Krel's hair and sighed contently.

This is the way it should be.

Here, I am finally home.


914 words

I know I said I wouldn't put these A/Ns but


Wow this is the shortest time I've ever taken to write a book holy-

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