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There was nothing stealthy about Sxorce's entrance to the castle.

The guards at the front gate stared up at him, eyes wide with fear and shock as they held their spears. One of them charged, aiming for his neck, but was rewarded with a tail-point through his chest. The angel fell, coughing up blood before finally going limp. His companion attempted to avenge him, but Sxorces grabbed his head and twisted it to the side. A sickening crack was heard as the angel fell, his head stuck in an impossible angle, bone peeking from where the sharp, broken point breached his skin. Blood seeped from the puncture.

He pushed the doors open, grinning with maniacal glee. Angels roaming the halls, some of them staff and some soldiers, either fled in terror at the sight of the possessed demon or ran at him with their spears, but all were easily picked off. Some Sxorces picked up with an invisible force, crushing them or slamming them against the walls, others he simply stabbed. Blood covered his hands, his face, everything. But he didn't care.

In fact, he loved it.

After multiple repeats of it all, he had made his way to the throne room. Montelor was there with his son and some other angel that must be the army captain by the looks of it.

Kyrlas, Sxorces recalled from Omen's memory. And the prince was Fjonxor.

Kyrlas's gaze flickered over to Sxorces, his eyes grew wide, the turned to aggression, stepping in front of the two royals protectively. Montelor turned, fearfully gazing up at Sxorces.

"Fjonxor," Sxorces heard Montelor say, not taking his eyes off of him, "Run."

Fjonxor began to object. "But what about-"

"I said GO!" Montelor snapped at his son. Fjonxor turned and bolted away, taking one last look at his father before disappearing around the corner.

I'll find him later, Sxorces thought, I have more pressing matters to attend to.

Kyrlas grabbed his spear from its place slung across his back, holding it out in defense. He didn't have a shield, as most of the other soldiers Sxorces had killed didn't.

A mistake that would cost him greatly.

Sxorces held out his hand, and in one quick, fluid motion, Kyrlas was sent flying across the room. His head hit the wall, and he slumped to the ground.

Montelor got a good look at Sxorces, and somehow, deep inside, he knew this was the one, the murderer that had killed his wife.

The king growled, grabbing Kyrlas's spear from where it had fallen near his feet.

Sxorces glared at him with a smirk. His voice echoed, Omen's vocals arguing with those of the new controller of the demon's body. "You angels. Always thinking you can just walk up and kill me that easily."

Sxorces grabbed Montelor with his telekinetic power, bringing him closer until he was inches from his face. Montelor struggled, finding himself unable to move. Sxorces forced him to look forwards, to look him in the eyes.

"Look at this," Sxorces chuckled, "Not fun to be helpless, is it? Oh, but wait, you're always helpless."

Sxorces curled his claws into a fist. Montelor gasped sharply in pain as multiple cracks were heard, followed by his shrieks of pain. He coughed blood from his mouth, it poured from there, his ears, his nose. Like everything was being pushed from his insides, his bones contracting and collapsing inside of him.

He tried to breathe, tried to move, but his every motion caused him excruciating pain.

Sxorces grinned, and let go of him. Montelor fell to the ground, barely alive, entirely immobilized. His eyes were glazed as waves of agony flooded his senses.

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