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"Omen, please, just tell me what's going on."

I had finally gotten the strength and will to move from the corner of the room to my bed. Krel was sitting next to me, a bit closer than I wanted her to be but I didn't mind.

I tasted metal in the back of my throat. I swallowed. "I'm sorry. You wouldn't understand."

She smiled. "Try me."

I shot her a glare and then looked away.

I felt her slip her hand onto my shoulder. It felt warm on my cold skin.

"You can trust me," she said, "Please. I just want to help."

I didn't reply for a moment. And after contemplating it for a second, I growled, and moved my shoulder to throw her hand off.

"Why do you care?" I snarled, "I'm a demon, remember? Psychopathic monster out for blood and chaos?"

"Omen, don't think of yourself like that-"

"It's true," I snapped, "Why do you think I'm even here in the first place?"

I had said too much. I quickly turned around and pulled my knees to my chest, burying my face in my arms.

I heard Krel sigh. "You wanna know why I care? You wanna know the truth?"

I didn't answer. Krel took a deep breath.

"Because, believe it or not, Omen... I like you. A lot."

I still didn't reply, but I raised my head a little bit, surprised.

She was talking to the demon who was sent to destroy her home, destroy everything she'd ever known. But this is how she feels about me?

"Look, I get it if you hate me for it."

"No," I replied.

She remained in a shocked silence.

"I like you, too. More than I should," I said solemnly. "But know this: we would never work out. We'd be traitors to our kinds."

"This is who we are, Krel. And for very specific reasons that make it that way."

Finally, I stood (very shakily), and pulled on my cloak. "You can stay if you want. I have to be somewhere. So... see you later I guess."

I left the room without a sound, not allowing her to see the tears pooling in my eyes.


371 words (another short one)

Angelic OmenWhere stories live. Discover now