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The demons didn't stick around long after that. Figures. They're a disorganized army without their leader.

Funny. I think of them as a whole other species now. I mean, they could be at this point. I'm not welcome in Hell anymore, and as much as the sun burns me, I don't want to go back. I've grown fond of this bright, beautiful city, and of its residents. Especially Krel.

I trailed behind the angel through the city. The fires were starting to die down, the air not as choked in ash as it originally was. Krel's tail intertwined with mine as we walked. It comforted me. I needed comfort. A lot has happened in the past... what, five hours, give or take? And I'm gonna have to show my face in front of the whole city after my species just tried to burn down their home.

Or... the fire was me, actually. Well, it was Sxorces, but they would have seen me. The demons just added to it.

This'll be great.

Another angel walked beside me, keeping a fair distance from me out of pure fear. Fjonxor, the newly (unofficial) anointed king of Heaven. And he had reason to be afraid. According to him, I had murdered his father as well as his mother (I apologized mostly for Lynilis's death, for that was done on my own conscious will) and almost murdered Kyrlas, two of which I almost did in front of him. He had every reason to hate me and fear me for the monster everyone saw me as.

And... I guess there's not much changing that, even though it was Sxorces and not me who did most of those things. I would've done the same, this time last month.

The survivors of Sxorce's holocaust were gathered in the square in front of the castle. Each were either celebrating the demons' retreat or mourning the lost. Some both (somehow). A few were injured, bleeding or limping from fresh wounds inflicted by the demons.

Fjonxor inhaled sharply. We were out of sight of the large crowd, but we could still see the numbers clearly. He would have to speak to them. He was now King, after all.

I put my hand on his shoulder. He jumped, his eyes wide with surprise. I pulled my hand away, letting it fall to my side. Figures.

"You can do it," I said reassuringly.

Fjonxor stared at me for a moment, then turned to Krel with uncertainty. At her nod, he took a shaky breath and turned to the crowd.

As Fjonxor climbed up to the elevated pavilion in the square, multiple people gasped. Most likely, they thought he was dead. Soon, the whole crowd of angels were looking up at him.

A few angels called out.

"It's the prince!"

"He's the king, feather brain, Montelor's dead! I think."

"How did he survive? And with barely a scratch!"

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

Fjonxor smiled nervously. "Hello, citizens of Norxentor. No, they didn't hurt me, I'm completely fine, thanks to my friend Krel."

Krel shuffled timidly as a few people looked at her. I was hiding in the shadows for now. They didn't need to see me yet.

"I just wanted to confirm to you all," Fjonxor continued, "That the demons have left the city."

Many cheers erupted from the crowd, a spark of hope in a dark, cold night of despair.

Fjonxor waited for the cheers to diminish before he said, "And... I can't take credit for that. Because there is one person besides Krel responsible for driving the demons away. He killed King Sornax-"

Someone shouted an enthusiastic "YEAH!" from the crowd.

"-and helped save the city from ruins. But... I must tell you, don't freak out. Let's just say he doesn't have the... friendliest of appearances."

His gaze locked with mine as he nodded.

I inhaled deeply before stepping into the light.

One person turned and gasped, seeming to trigger the rest of the crowd like a wave. Hundreds of eyes bore through me, a tsunami of emotions with it. Some burned with hatred, some confused, most afraid.

One of my tails curled around my feet as I waved, milquetoast. "H-hi."

Someone shouted something profane at me.

Fjonxor glared at the angel that did so and sighed, continuing. "I know you all hate demons, and I do just as much. No offense, Omen."

"None taken," I remarked.

He smiled slightly. "But... I know from what Krel here tells me that the evil things he's done weren't in his right mind."

Another voice piped up. "No demon's in their right mind."

"Alright, would you please let me finish?!" Fjonxor finally snapped. The angel fell silent.

The new king took a deep breath to calm himself. "Anyway. Omen may be a demon, but he is pure at heart. And Krel here can confirm that claim."

Krel nodded. She stepped a bit closer to me, just barely enough for the angel crowd to notice. I smiled slightly at her.

"So please..." Fjonxor finished, "Accept it when I say that I will allow him to call Norxentor his home."

Silence. Very awkward, kind of scary silence.

Until someone finally spoke up.


Heads turned again, angels parting as someone limped through. Kyrlas. His grey eyes were dim, blood soaking his hair. It was almost like he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. His tail dragged the ground. One of his hands was holding his side, clutching where a rib was probably broken.

Kyrlas walked forward, standing in front of the crowd next to me. "I agree with our new king." He took a deep, shaky breath, each word a challenge for him, "The demon will stay, even with his species a common hate."

"Kyrlas?" I whispered. Of all people, I didn't expect him to stand up for me. I lied to him, made him think I was one of them.

He looked at me and winked. "I don't care what you are or what you apparently didn't mean to do to me. You're my friend, Inar-" he cleared his throat, "I mean, Omen."

I smiled.

I know I'll never be fully accepted here.

But at least there's a few that'll be with me.


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Angelic OmenWhere stories live. Discover now