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Krel raced up the stairs after getting Kyrlas to a relatively safe place. Something told her, some force, a pulling force, that Sxorces would be here. And as the darkness seemed to get stronger, she knew she was right.

She stopped at the top of the spiral staircase, staring at the scene laying out in front of her.

Xana being a ghost, he had found Sxorces first. But he was now lying on the ground, weak. There was a deep claw mark across his face, spectral blood spilling from it. His eye was completely gone, a mess of wet, sticky crimson. His other, functioning eye was struggling to stay open as he shakily tried to stand.

And there was Omen.

Or what looked like Omen.

The white cross burning in his left eye confirmed that it wasn't the demon she knew in his mind.

Sxorces hadn't noticed Krel. He was laughing wickedly in Omen's voice, wild pleasure filling his gaze.

"There you go," Sxorces seethed, "Now you know how that felt."

Sxorces sharpened the fluff on one of his - Omen's - tails, and drove it through the spirit's abdomen. Xana gasped, coughing up blood as he collapsed. His form's glow flickered. Not extinguished yet. But very much close.

Xana's gaze flickered to Krel.

A mistake.

Sxorces saw his change of focus, and turned to Krel, standing at the entrance. He smiled in a sickly sweet way.

"Kreeeeellllll!" He dragged out the name, "Decided to join the fun, have you? Or did you want Omen?"

Sxorces laughed. "Too late for him. You're not getting him back. Not if I can help it. I'm getting quite attached to this body."

He lashed one of his thin tails as to prove his point. It make a supersonic crack like a whip. The sharpened fluff at the end was thin enough to be used as such.

"Just let him go!" Krel snarled.

"Hmm..." Sxorces seemed to think for a moment. "No."

Sxorces lifted his hands, and Krel was pinned to the wall by an invisible force. She writhed, trying in vain to throw off the unseen weight that pinned her to the wall.

"Now," Sxorces turned his head back to Xana, not taking his hand away from where Krel was, "Where were we?"


Krel's voice was faint, but unmistakeable.

I perked my head up, thinking I was mistaken. But I heard it, I know I did. Krel was somewhere, somewhere near Sxorces in the physical world.

I remembered the small flash of a vision I had. Krel was dying by my hands.

All of my visions have come to reality until now.

This one must be soon.

Slowly and agonizingly, I dragged myself to my feet. It was still hard to breathe, I coughed as I tried.

Have to... get out of here... have to save them.

I chuckled slightly, shaking my head. Damn... I guess the angels had more of an impact on me than I thought.

Desperately, I grabbed the strings on my wrist and started to gnaw at them.


Sxorces grabbed the still recovering Xana from the ground, holding him tightly by the neck. Xana was a spirit, he couldn't die this way, but one slash to his chest and he would fade away.

Angelic OmenWhere stories live. Discover now