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The vision, that same vision.

Over and over again.

It never seemed to go away.

And mixed within were the sights of Sxorces standing in the middle of a burning Norxentor, grinning. Laughing. Telling me to let go.

Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

Join me.

Let go.

He seemed to join my thoughts as the words repeated in my mind. I can hardly tell his words from mine anymore.

He always seemed to wait in the corner of my mind, wait for me to let down my guard. To let him in, to torment me.

Torture isn't something I shy away from. I can take severe levels of pain, of suffering, physical infliction. But this...

This I could hardly take.

Sometimes I wish to die because of it.

I shook my head again. Stop. Get out of my head.

Again, he came.

His voice...

That grin, becoming more and more unbearable each time I see it.

Get out.

Just get out.

I gritted my teeth, my claws curled into fists.

Let me end your suffering.

Shake my hand.

And all will be released.


Retribution will come


Retribution will come.

I clawed at the sides of my head. GET. OUT. LEAVE ME ALONE.

Retribution will come.

"GET OUT!" I screeched as I stood. I didn't hear the knock at the door as I did so.

Retribution will come.

I stumbled, basically tripping over myself as I screamed.

This torture.

I can't take this anymore.

Get out of my thoughts.

Get out.

Get out.

Get out.






Pain erupted through my skull as I hit the wall. I heard the door open, heard someone calling my name. My demon name.

A blurry pale mint figure rounded the corner, stopping as they saw me.


My vision blurred and doubled as shadows overcame me, sending me into the dark abyss.


323 words

Angelic OmenWhere stories live. Discover now