Secret Meeting

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The silver moon cast black shadows as I silently slipped through the alleyways. A cold night breeze ruffled my cloak, and I pulled it over my head more. The streets were empty and quiet, like a ghost town.

Yet I had this unshakable feeling that I was being watched.

Shuddering, I ducked into another alley. The ground was cold under my feet. Abnormally cold.

I smiled. Yep. I'm in the right place.

"Larux?" I called out. My voice echoed slightly as it bounced against the building walls around me.

A strong, sudden burst of wind slipped through the alley. I wasn't surprised, though. I turned around and changed to my demon form.

Larux stood behind me, seemingly materialized from the cold wind. He was a few inches taller than me, and looked malnourished (but we all look like that. From what I know, it's an adaptation that makes us easy to underestimate despite our height and power). His skin, usually black like a raven's feathers, shone almost blue in the shining moonlight. His eyes were a bright purple, piercing me with a deadly accuracy.

"Omen," he greeted simply. No emotion leaked with his words. "How's the mission?"

Because he doesn't give a crap about how I'm doing, as far as I know. I cleared my throat.

"It's going good. They let me in the first day," I said, "Idiots."

Larux smirked. "Good." Under his breath he blatantly added, "And they said you needed two weeks."

"The captain seems to trust me, as does Montelor," I continued, "No one suspects a thing as far as I can tell."


I smiled in satisfaction.

You don't need him.

I looked around, confused.

He will not be of need for your success.

What the hell?

He cannot teach you what you need to know. I can.


I snapped back to reality, looking back at Larux. His strict gaze bore through me.

"Something wrong?" Larux questioned.

"N-no, we're all good," I said with a nervous chuckle.

Larux's expression turned skeptical. "I know that face, and it only shows up when something's definitely wrong. You feeling okay?"

"Y-yeah, o-of course!" I said. "Im just... still getting used to how much warmer it is here compared to back home, you know?"

Larux obviously didn't believe me, but didn't push the matter. I knew why. He'd rather me be here and not well than pull me from the mission. He knows I'm the only one even slightly capable of this because of my power. And he knows that if I succeed, it will also put him in a place of power.

"Just don't kill yourself out there," Larux sighed. "You need to be alive to complete this."

"Yes, sir."

You are like a marionette. Don't let him keep hold of your strings.

I can cut you free.

Shut up. Please.

A cold breeze brushed past me once more, and Larux was gone. Sighing, I turned, shaking my head and trying to convince myself that the voice was just a trick of the breeze as I headed back to the house.


519 words

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