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"We're leaving!" The door slammed hard as your mother clutched your hand tightly as she began walking towards the car. Your eyes trailed back to the door as your mother took forceful steps forward. Your father opening the door only to look you in the eyes before turning back, seemingly unbothered by the separation of his daughter and wife.

"Mama! But why are you leaving dad behind?" Your eyes met the side of your mother's face as she didn't bother looking towards you.

"He left us first." She spat, which only confused you further, she was walking away from him, not the other way around. "Hurry, get in." She spoke, hurrying to the driver's side after closing your car door.

"So, where do you wanna go?" She questioned, fixing the mirror to face herself, her hair was as unkempt as her body. You stayed quiet as you looked at her with your big e/c eyes, as if they spoke for you. Your mother could tell you didn't know where you wanted to go. Which was the truth, you only wanted to be with your happy family, though these Sunday night fights were becoming too much of a regular discrepancy within your family household.

"Okay, let's go to the park." She spoke, head facing forwards as she started the small Sudan.

Car rides with mom were always eventful. Your mother always seemed to have a problem with everything, too emotional. "Oh come on, you cut me off!" Hand's slamming against the steering wheel, your mother flipped off the man who was now to her right, honking the horn a few times before speeding off.

You began to wonder if it was abnormal to be this enraged when seemingly ordinary and predictable things were to occur. You have to take into account the negative aspects that could occur when in a situation, if you do that you're less likely to overreact when they are predicted. "Sorry y/n, these fuckers don't know how to fucking drive." She sighed, closing her eyes momentarily.

The park quickly approached as a newfound feeling began to settle in your stomach, excitement. Though not for the park, for the liberty that came with being here.

The blinking of the car stopped as your mother opened her door. You reached for the door handle, grabbing it with both hands as you leaned onto it, opening it after some force was applied by your tiny body.

"Alright, I'll be at... that bench over there, see it? Okay, go run." You looked to the bench she motioned towards as her hand pushed against your back as you tumbled onto the enclosed play area. You walked towards the big yellow structure, formed similarly to that of a tower with a slide on either side of it to bring you back down to the ground. You approached the ladder which would lead you up, climbing it quickly. Once at the top you took a moment to observe your surroundings before spotting your mother.

"Mama look! Did you see how fast I made it up?" Your mother held a cigarette in her mouth, looking in an opposite direction, seemingly avoiding you. Your brows furrowed as you tried to understand her actions before realizing just why her attention never seemed to be on you.

A tall man, taller than your father approached her, sitting down next to her as they instantly struck up a conversation. You felt hatred build in your stomach as it climbed to your ears, not even your own mother would give you the time of day. You watched as the man caressed your mother's face, bringing her into a deep kiss. You hadn't ever seen your parents kiss. Kissing was something parents do to express their love and affection to one another, no wonder your parents never kissed.

You slid down the slide, before heading towards the swings. The cold metal pressed against your warm hands as you sat in the small plastic seat, swinging back and forth. The swings were a nice place for someone of your age to get lost in the thoughts of the young mind. You could hear the laughter of your mother which made you flinch, as if they were sharp and pointy, purposely directed towards you. You sighed as you swung faster, somedays you prayed something new or fun would happen in your life, something to save you from a family who seemingly didn't want to be one, nothing like the ones in the holiday movies.

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