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You and Chishiya didn't drink much in Hatters room, both leaving shortly after. Chishiya didn't speak to you after that, which didn't come as a shock to you since you two didn't initiate any conversation.

Walking down the same hallway neither of you exchanged looks, you kept to yourself, and so did he. A small, subtle silence fell between the halls, the exhales of your breath being the only sound reaching your ears. Chishiya abruptly turned to walk up the stairs, you saw this but kept on walking, you didn't need to know what he was doing.

You debated on what you should do. Dread washed over you as you would prefer not to play another game tomorrow. You were lucky none of the games you'd played recently were split-second wins. Now, if you were to play these games every day, the chances of a serious life or death situation occurring significantly rose.

Just collecting the cards didn't extend your Visa, so Hatter would have to play evenly. You wondered how it would go, would he bring the militants with him? You wouldn't mind seeing Hatter play a game, then, you could really see how his brain works under pressure.

Furthering down the hallway, the sounds of the nightly rave were loudening. Hatters room was amongst the other important rooms within the hotel, like the 'staff room' where the executive meetings were being held. You would need to go down a few flights of stairs to get to the rooms where you and the other players would sleep in.

"It's been a while." The gun's strap shifted loudly as the footsteps approached. As you turned around, you saw him walk out of a staircase into the hallway you stood in.

"Didn't Chishiya say I was looking for you?" You could tell he was slightly annoyed, though his voice still held that tone he always seemed to speak in.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about other things?" You spoke, slightly amused by Niragi's annoyance.

He chuckled, standing a conformable distance away from you. "You know, your friend is really starting to piss me off. When someone gives him an order he should follow it." He scoffed, the white on his patterned shirt resembling off-white under the lights of the hotel.

"Is sex all you care about?" You raised your eyebrows, laughing slightly. It was quite obvious what Niragi wanted.

"We could take it slow, drink first, if that's what you want." He smirked, taking a few steps closer to you.

"Hatter has me playing more games starting tomorrow, so getting fucked isn't really on the agenda." You truthfully replied, shrugging your shoulder's as you explained. Niragi's confident presence didn't frighten you, so you didn't back up as he took a few more steps closer to you.

"Hatter must think you're really good then. Say, why don't we play a game together?" He proposed, smirking again, awaiting your response as he stood less than a few feet away.

"Still willing to fuck if I'm down a few limbs?" You toyed, slightly tilting your head to the side. Niragi exhaled, readjusting his gun's strap.

"Depends on which ones." You rolled your eyes, sighing at his reply. You weren't interested in sleeping with Niragi, though you weren't so sure he got the memo.

"I'm sure there are many girls who are willing to sleep with you at the party downstairs." You turned back to face away from Niragi, not interested in the conversation anymore. He said something in reply, though you let the words slip your ears as you turned down the hallway.

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