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The house looked almost futuristic to you, the large square and rectangular windows placed strategically against the white outer paint made it resemble almost sporadic by choice. As your car rolled up into the bigger than average size driveway, you peered out the car window, The large double door that accompanied the house had small gaps of glass near the top, a nice detail. There was a garage which connected to the house, so you assumed that's where they kept their cars.

Chishiya's family was definitely well off, though not over-the-top rich, like the other houses in this area. You could say they lived within their means, if their means meant a yearly income of 25,000,000 JPY.

You opened the car door, taking a few steps out before closing the door behind you. You waited there for a moment, expecting your mother to get out of the car, though she stayed inside, giving you a glance before driving off. You gulped as the car left your sight. If Chishiya or his parents weren't home, you'd inevitably have to walk home, given that you don't have any sort of phone at your disposal.

You sighed before walking over to the wooden doors, the slow, soft breeze of the wind messing with your hair ever so slightly. The first knock went unnoticed as you waited for no answer. You decided you wouldn't knock again, since you didn't want to cause too much of a disturbance to Chishiya's parents who could be inside, so you rang the doorbell once and waited once again.

The door quickly opened as you looked up to see the same woman from the park a few days ago, chishiya's mother.

"l/n, come in." She spoke, opening the door further as a sort of welcoming. You took off your shoes, placing them on the shoe rack which was next to the door, on the left side.

"Thank you for letting me come over." You replied, smiling to the woman who returned a plastic smile. As you walked through the door, your eyes gazed upon the rather large painting hanging on the wall, a statement piece to the house. The soft lilacs and dark blues around the center of the flower caused for a beautiful display of colours.

"Pretty, isn't it?" You nodded your head in response, though you could see through her fake display of contentedness, her fake smile portraying the life she wanted to show to the world.

"Shuntaro! Your friend is here." Chishiya's mother called out, giving you another smile before walking down the hallway on the left. The pristine beige walls accented the off-white floors nicely, Chishiya had a nice home. The sound of a hand pressing down firmly against the metal railing of the staircase in front of the door could be heard as your eyes went to the noise.

Chishiya smiled as he motioned with his head for you to follow him up the stairs. The hallway split two ways, to access the bedrooms and the office area. Most of the doors were left open, though the only door that was closed was what seemed to be a study.

Chishiya noticed your eyes on the door, "That's where my father is, he doesn't come out often so I don't see him much." Chishiya stopped to explain, looking towards you before continuing on his path to his room.

Chishiya's room was big, plain and boring. A bed, desk, area rug and a bookshelf, similar items to your room, though his layout was different. The bed faces against the back wall with the desk against the right wall, and the bookshelf slightly covering the large rectangular window.

"What do you wanna do?" You questioned, your hands in your pocket.

"You ask that every time we hang out, you know." Chishiya spoke, scoffing at your remark.

"Yeah but it's your house, Chishiya. Treat your guests with respect." You taunted, laying against his bed.

"Remember the first time we hung out here?" You questioned, rolling onto your stomach to face Chishiya who leaned against the back wall of his bed.

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