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"Registration will close in thirty seconds." The robotic voice from the phones could be heard as you walked up the steps of the building, which was in actuality a hotel. The tall and large circular building's lights lit up from within each of the rooms, causing a bright array of lights which could be seen from far distances.

You went to grab the phone which laid on the wooden ledge on the sides of the wall of the hotel.

"Registration is now closed. There are now four participants." As the phones synced up to one another, you took a moment to scan the faces of the other players. Two men, two women including you. The silence was loud in the lobby of this game, almost defining to the ear, nobody saying a word to anyone.

One of the men stood against the wooden ledge, his arms crossed over his chest. His hair which was a yellowish-blond hair had begun to fade.

The other's man's hair was jet black but almost completely shaved off. He stood furthest away from everyone, right near the edge of the stairs, his eyes were the first to meet yours as you entered the game.

The woman had short black hair and wore a yellow tank top. She stretched out her muscles, starting with her legs before moving to her arms. She held a face of concentration, looking straightforward. Her gaze only faltering as she saw you looking towards her.

You gave her a weak smile, she returned it slightly before both of your attention was captured by the robotic voice which emitted from the phone speakers.

"Game: Hot Springs, difficulty seven of clubs." You raised your eyebrows at the suit, playing a game with people who looked like they would prefer to eat their lunch alone was going to be an experience.

When the game was revealed as clubs, the other players quickly exchanged looks between one another, though only momentarily and still, nobody spoke to one another. While their faces lacked expression, you were sure their minds were a busy place.

"Please enter the building and make your way to the elevator." The silence was broken as hesitant footsteps made their way into the building. The sensor of the sliding doors opening and closing as the man with the yellowish-blond hair entered first.

To you, it felt like these guys weren't sure what to do, like a goldfish swimming mindlessly in a glass bowl. You walked through the door and towards the elevator, silence once again filling the air.

"It might be a little hard to win this clubs game if nobody's talking to one another." You left that in the air, hoping someone would speak, but nobody said a word. The elevator dinged as shuffled feet entered the small lift.

"I think they might just be a little nervous." The woman spoke up, shifting her gaze as she stood next to you in the elevator. You looked towards the girl who happened to be a similar size to you, her face holding a smile.

You nodded in agreement with what the girl had said before speaking. "Have you ever played a clubs game before?" You questioned, the dings of the elevator as it passed different floors becoming a prominent sound in the elevator.

"No, not yet, I'm Usagi."

"I'm y/n."

The last of the elevator's chimes sounded as the doors opened on the fifteenth floor. A small card with an arrow pointing left was placed neatly against a glass stand, the reflective surface shining against the light above.

You were the first to walk in the direction of the arrow where a brown door with wooden stripes presented itself. A small circular mirror laid on the top of the door, the glass foggy to prevent peering eyes.

"A change room?" The Usagi spoke, tilting her head slowly. An unsettling feeling began to imbed itself deep in your gut. Hot springs and now a change room within a hotel? The name of the games didn't have to match the depiction of the game per se, but they were never completely off from what you would be playing.

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