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Upstairs in his room, Chishiya held the card tentatively in his hands. Birthday cards were one of those things that brought you joy to write, especially for those you were closest to.

Ever since you were young, you'd written everyone important a handmade card, though those people quickly diminished to just Chishiya over time. You couldn't remember the last time you'd written your parents a card, perhaps when you were around seven for their birthday, but that was it.

The card you gifted him was made from a standard white printing paper, to which you folded in half and wrote 'Happy Birthday' in big letters. The design aspect wasn't what interested you, so you didn't spend too much time on it and Chishiya could tell.

You talked about things the two of you had done when you were younger, fun memories and of course a small blurb on your appreciation for him. You tried not to overdo it, keeping it light but meaningful.

Anticipation made a small appearance in Chishiya's stomach as he sat down at his desk, curious as to what you'd written this time around. Chishiya, though he'd never admit it, not even to himself, liked the cards you'd write for him.

And plus, nobody else would write him one, though that isn't to say he expected one from anyone in his family or anyone else he knew for that matter. His mom would embrace him in a heartless hug and most likely give him money. His dad, if he wasn't in his office and had remembered, would shutter the words, though his words were often colder and duller than his mom's.

Peeling back the white envelope, his eyes traced around the balloons you had drawn, he scoffed at your feeble attempt to draw. He knew you'd never been great at art.

Opening the card, Chishiya's eyes first scanned over the large body of text that accompanied the page. You'd taken a majority of the page to write in, leaving only a small gap of white at the bottom. For Chishiya, it was very entertaining to read.

Hi, for starters, happy birthday! It's been so long since we've known each other and I'm glad I got to spend your birthday with u...I guess.

"Ok, sarcastic," He scoffed.

Just kidding, but anyway, do you remember that one time your umbrella ripped because it got caught on a tree and you had to walk all the way home with rain pouring onto you through the hole? That was pretty funny, especially since my umbrella was barely big enough for me so you should've been more grateful when I shared it with you.

Chishiya scoffed, the distance memory drifting back to him as he remembered his dripping hair and your smug smile as you held your small umbrella over your head, watching as the rain fell onto his head. He knew that you'd eventually feel bad enough to share your umbrella with him and he was grateful that you did so. The memory was one that he thought about somewhat frequently, the details of that day fading into and out of his consciousness.

There was something about how you try to hide your kind heart, that he liked. He was grateful that you shared some part of it with him. In that small, illusive moment that to him was also inconsistent.

OH, do you also remember that one time were I tried to bake the cake from memory even though you insisted I read the recipe? I remember your face when you tried the cake, I think at first you didn't want me to feel bad so you lied. The icing was good though, probably because you made it.

Wrong, Chishiya instinctively lied about it tasting bad, not worried about your feelings until he saw your face. Your eyes looking up to him as you awaited his response. He debated giving it to you straight, just to see your reaction, but he decided against it as he felt like being nice to you that day.

I think we should go skating someday, I feel like you'd look pretty funny trying to keep your balance. Anyways, can you believe we've already known each other for like what,  five years now? To be honest, it feels a lot longer than that. I still remember that playground where we met each other. I was walking down the street the other day and I saw it when I passed by. It hasn't changed at all and I'm still really grateful you were there the same day I was.

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