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Chishiya was never big on drinking. It could have to do with the vulnerability that comes with being intoxicated, or just not wanting to deal with the aftermath of being hungover.

You, on the other hand, weren't opposed to drinking at all. You thought it was a fun way to increase the joy of being at a party. However, what you enjoyed more than chaotic party drinking were small get-togethers with the people you were closest to, so in your case Chishiya. Where you could have fun together in your intoxicated state.

The first time you ever drank was on your sixteenth birthday. You proposed the idea to Chishiya who was hesitant at first, he didn't like how he couldn't have full control of his environment or what he was doing if he were to get drunk. You told him that it would be a casual thing, just the two of you together, drinking for the first time.

Chishiya said that you could be the one to get drunk so that if your parents were to check in on you, he'd be able to cover for you. You sighed when he proposed this, you could care less if your parents were to come in, you had faith that you could fake your sobriety to them like they had done to you multiple times.

Getting the liquor wouldn't be a challenge since both your parents were advent drinkers, in your house, you had a full cabinet always stocked up.

Your parents, well, your mom offered to buy you a cake for your birthday but you turned her down. Being in Chishiya's company was better than a half-assed family party from your mother. She would most likely invite your cousins from her side of the family, who you don't like. It's not that they're bad people, it's more so because they're too judgemental, and different from you, so there was no common ground with them.

Chishiya was going to be over at around five pm, since your birthday was near the end of July, the sky would still be bright for another hour and a half which gave you both time to do something before the sky went dark. Chishiya's birthday was June thirtieth, which made him older than you by a little over a month.

When you heard the soft chimes of the doorbell, you quickly walked down the stairs, but as the door came into view, you noticed your father had been the one to open the door. You sighed in defeat as you waited at the bottom of the stairs for your friend to finish conversing with your father.

"Chishiya, It's good to see you. Come in." Your father smiled awkwardly, his hand promptly on the doorframe before moving it to let Chishiya through.

You weren't sure what your father was trying to convey with the new demeanour he put on when someone would visit the house, it sure as hell didn't work on you or Chishiya.

Chishiya walked through the door after having said hello back to your father, his eyes looking around for you before spotting you on the stairs. He walked towards you with a neatly wrapped gift in his hand.

"I told you not to get me anything." You laughed, your eyes widening ever so slightly at the gift Chishiya had gotten you.

"I remember telling you the same thing on my birthday." Chishiya smirked, you scoffing in response, rolling your eyes. Chishiya had told you not to get him anything for his birthday, but how could you not? It was his birthday after all.

"Thank you anyways, Taro."

For chishiya's birthday, you bought him three things, one was a small blue bird stuffed animal. You got him that mostly because his bed was so bare, with nothing but pillows and a comforter. Now, he could have a small pop of colour on his bed, plus, the little bird was very cute.

The second thing you got him was a philosophy book called 'A Treatise of Human Nature'. Chishiya was big on books, and you hadn't seen this one in his collection so you decided to get it for him.

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