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Ever so often the sun would peak out through the clouds, causing brief moments of warm sun-kissed air to overtake the cold, neutral one that was there before. Even if they only lasted a few minutes or moments, you enjoyed it. The wooden ledge had started causing a more prominent feeling than it did before. As you readjust your posture, finding a more comfortable position, you couldn't help but wonder if your friend was ever going to show up.

Your mom didn't schedule one of her playdates today which only made things worse as the minutes started to rack up. Ten went to twenty, which was about to go onto thirty. You sighed as you looked into the horizon, busy streets full of people and cars, the last conversation you had with Chishiya playing back in your head. You knew you hadn't scheduled a time to meet but you had assumed it would be the same time as yesterday.

You looked back at your mom, who same as yesterday, seemed to be avoiding you, cigarette in hand, one step closer to death with each puff. You debated asking her to take you home, though you had a hunch that he would show. You hopped onto your feet, deciding that you would go to the top of the tower to get a better view of the area, that way you could spot Chishiya out when he would arrive.

The sturdy metal ladder was quickly climbed as you looked around, your eyes drifting to a car parking in the parking lot of the small park. You sat at the small gap where the ladder goes, your feet dangling below as you patiently waited to see who was going to come out of the car. Two doors open, though not simultaneously, the back right passenger seat opened first, followed by the driver's side where a woman with short black hair walked out. Her clothes were nice, nicer than anything your mother had in her closet. Your eyes glanced back at the back door, but it was already closed.

Your brows furrowed as you looked around to see where the person could've gone, your attention being diverted to the soft thuds against the ladder as you watched as the boy from yesterday began to climb up.

"Hi." You spoke as you made room for the boy to get up top of the tower-like building. He reciprocated the greeting by giving you a short wave. You sat at the top of the double-slide, waiting for Chishiya to sit down at the one to your right.

"So, what do you wanna do?" You looked at him, your e/c eyes looking slightly bigger in the sun's natural light.

"Hmm, not sure, up to you." You silently deadpanned, Chishiya's weak effort to come up with something for the both of you to do causing you to roll your eyes.

"Wanna make up a game?" You questioned, your head quickly turning to face him as an idea popped into your mind.

"Okay, so it will be like tag but depending on if you get heads or tails with this wood chip, you'll get a special ability you can use." You drew out the game with a long stick you had found amongst the sandy area of the playground.

"Which one is heads and tails?" Chishiya inquired, holding his left hand out for you to place the wood chip in his hand.

"The side with the scratch marks is heads." You replied, Chishiya nodding his head in response.

"If you get heads you get to turn invincible for two seconds and if you get tails you can freeze the other person for one second. And we're both going to be the taggers." You explained, flipping the wood chip that resided in Chishiya's hand.

"Ok, see if you get heads or tails." Chishiya spoke, allowing you to take the wood chip from his hand. You flipped it towards the sky, letting it fall into your hand.


Chishiya nodded before taking the chip from you, throwing it into the air and letting it drop back into his hand. "I got tails." He responded, his eyes fixated on the chip as he examined it.

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