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"Yes, n/n?" He spoke softly, like the night in your room at the beach when he had brought you ice. His stubbornness at the time inducing the feeling of small pencil-thin flaps of the wings of butterflies in your stomach as you made the connection in your mind.

You stared at him tentatively, your heartbeat steadily increasing as he never broke eye contact. His almond-shaped eyes falling tenderly onto yours, you noticed he looked sleepy, like always.

"Chishiya... I-" Your sentence was muffled by his hand covering your mouth once again, with the same urgency as he had done the first time.

He brought you to the back wall, opposite the one you had been leaning on previously. He pushed against you to minimize the visibility in the room.

Fast-paced feet came creeping back in, this time there was aggression in the man's movement. You gulped as you maintained eye contact with Chishiya who looked down at you, his breath close to your chin.

"For fuck sake Hayko, they aren't here!" Kaiyo shouted, his footsteps loud and heavy against the glistened floor.

"Has anybody checked the back rooms yet? We have to expect she's hiding somewhere not so obvious!" Hayko shouted back to his friends, seemingly ignoring Kaiyo's resistance to the fact.

One of the men made their way to the back of the store, pushing over boxes until they got to the change rooms. Each door was opened with speed, so fast in fact, that it must've been kicked open.

Your voice was muffled as the intensity of the situation increased. Chishiya's hand was firmly over your mouth, he took a step closer to you, you knew he didn't want anyone to find the two of you.

"Shh, I got you." He whispered in your ear. You blinked a few times to ensure you had heard that correctly. Was Chishiya openly protecting you?

It was one thing to protect someone, but it's a whole other thing to protect them and admit to doing so, especially for someone like Chishiya.

You looked up at Chishiya, his head was turned to face the door as he scanned through the small opening where the light seeped in.

"I swear to fucking god I saw them here!" The voice was angry, so full of rage it made it impossible to identify whose it pertained to.

His other hand moved to the back of your head, up your neck and into your hair, providing support against the cold, rough wall of the storage room.

When looking at Chishiya, you realized why he hadn't wanted to be in a game with you. All this time you'd thought he'd leave you if the situation asked for it, but the line between practicality and recklessness was thinner than you thought. He was in a position to help you, and you were grateful.

There was something about his words that brought you back to when you two were younger. Here you were, mouth covered, hiding from militants in a paradoxical world with the same person you'd met at the park, gotten drunk for the first time with, and shared countless birthdays with. It weirdly enough, felt full circle, like a friendship well completed.

You didn't know if you could ever not be friends with Chishiya after this, after all, you and everyone else in the borderlands had been through.

"We're wasting our time looking for them! We can get Hatter his executives and the cards later, but right now, we gotta figure out how to beat this damn game!" You recognized the voice, it was dim and not as full as it was before; due to Chishiya's teaser.

The voice echoed outside the closet door. The shadow of the man casts over the small opening of light that seeped in, leaving the both of you in complete darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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