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"Repetitive, boring and lame." Chishiya carelessly tossed back a book at you, a book that you had recommended he read. You rolled your eyes, not bothered by his sneering remarks.

"But you'll still read it. Like you did with the book before this, and before that, and before that one too." You said in a rebuttal, slightly annoyed at Chishiya's rather repetitive reply that he had given you about your book. The same recipe with different ingredients, same morals with few new rules, if anything his remarks were getting uninteresting.

"Maybe if you would recommend me a good book once in a while, you'd get a different response." He took pride in his ego, he knew he was annoying you and that pleased him.

"You're so pretentious, you know that?" You scoffed, you knew he was purposely trying to annoy you, you'd been friends long enough to know that.

"Big words for someone of your size." He smirked, leaning against his window, blocking the natural light with his figure. His shadow extending at weird angles as the sun began to set.

"Why don't you give me a recommendation then? Let's see just how good your taste is." You smirked back at him, wanting to see his reaction.

"I doubt you'd be able to appreciate the novels for what they are." He toyed, his voice speaking with no hint of indecision to his words.

"That would make two of us, no?" You taunted, you raised your eyebrows as you shrugged your shoulders.

"And I'm the only one whose pretentious?" He chuckled, his slyness came from places you did not know. It was fun, having a friend like Chishiya who always knew what to say and when. It matched you quite nicely, your personality that is.

You shook your head in agreement, if you were to read a book Chishiya recommended to you, you'd at least give it a chance. Though the thought of boosting his ego made you want to lie about your genuine thoughts like he was.

There was no way he didn't at least enjoy one of the books you'd given him, he was most likely just saying to your face. You knowing if he liked the books or not didn't bother him, which allowed for his responses of negativity.

"So, will you give me a recommendation?" You smirked, tilting your head in a joking manner.

"If you're next book is good, then maybe, yes." You rolled your eyes, he'd want another one of your books before you got one of his. It didn't bother you though, you knew he meant well, or partially. You scoffed, smiling a little, you already knew what book you'd lend him next.

A sudden thought made your eyes drift to the lock screen on your phone, tapping the screen to reveal the time. "I need to go to the store to get groceries, my mom wants me to make dinner." You sighed in annoyance as you read the reminder you had placed on your phone to be back by five so you could have time to make dinner, currently, it was half past three.

"Have fun with that." He exhaled, uncrossing his arms as he walked over to his office chair, leaning forwards onto it.

You chuckled slightly at his comment, grabbing your phone and the book Chishiya had borrowed from you. Walking towards the door you continued, "I'll see you." He gave you a wave before you walked through his door and towards the stairs.

Nearing the stairs, you heard chatter coming from the office of Chishiya's father. You silently leaked through the small glass window on his door, he looked to be making some important calls.

You sighed deeply as you walked down the stairs, wondering why it was so hard for Chishiya'a father to make the effort of having a singular meaningful conversation with his son.

Chishiya's mother wasn't always home, she'd be out of the house doing god knows what with god knows who. It made you annoyed that your friend had to deal with such parents, but there wasn't much you could do and feeling bad for him wasn't going to change that either.

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