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You stood at the door noticing the strange contraptions the other people in the room were wearing. You gulped as your eyes trailed onto a man in a dark blue polo shirt, who looked not much older than you. The metal case wrapped around the man's neck, trailing down to his right arm.

"What is this?" You questioned, looking at the man before turning to face the others in the room. In total there were five people, two women, two men and you. One of the men looked older than the other in the blue polo while the women both looked a similar age to you and the other man.

"Oh, you're new aren't cha?" The man in the blue polo spoke.

"I'm not sure I follow, new?" You replied back, you knew you had just recently gotten to this world and the fact that there was a sort of hierarchy established made you question just what made you climb the ranks.

"Lemme give it to ya straight. You're in the borderlands, and here you play sick, twisted games to survive. Grab that phone, and put that helmet on, the games going to start soon." You gulped as you realized this place had a name, and you hadn't just jumped through another dimension. When a place is named it means it's been acknowledged as something. They have rules, systems, hierarchies and where those things exist in this world, so do humans.

"Games? What type of games? Card games?" You asked, the replies from the man only confused you further. Your breath hitched as you studied the people in the room further.


"Death games, bunny, now grab the phone and helmet so we can get this over and done with." You looked him in the eyes as you tried to process this strange anomaly you found yourself in.

You walked up to the table, grabbing the 'helmet' which had a small opening, making it easier to wrap around your neck. As you placed it on your neck, you listened as it clicked into place, the long tail on the device trailing down your arm to wrap around the backside of it. After that, you grabbed the phone, the screen emitting a bright light before a small loading bar appeared at the bottom.

"Facial Recognition complete." The phone some, your brows furrowed as another dot connected in your mind, this place had tabs on you. You tried to close the screen that was open on the phone, but it seemed to be locked on this bright white loading screen. The bar at the top of the phone showing that there was no available signal for the phone to connect to.

"There are now five participants. Registration will close in 30 seconds, please wait until registration closes." A robotic voice emitted from the phones of each player. You walked towards the others in the room, two of them making room for you to stand next to them. As you stood there you acknowledged the door that the players had been blocking by facing the entrance door as you had entered the building.

"Registration is now closed, the game will now commence. Game is dictionary, difficulty, five of diamonds." The phones spoke in sync, as your eyes trailed around to the faces of the other players, a hint into what they were thinking could help you better understand the situation at bay.

"Five of diamonds? Oh, fucking shit! I can't do these intelligence games." The woman to your right whimpered, squinting her eyes tightly.

"The suit means something?" You questioned, looking towards the woman, the dirt on her grey blouse slightly more visible under the light emitted from her phone which faced towards her.

"If you make it far, you'll get to experience them all, and trust me, you'll be in for a treat." The older man spoke, an emotionless expression plastered on his face as he directed his gaze towards you.

"The game will now commence, please enter the door behind you and wait for further instruction." You suddenly wished you had listened to your gut, the reality of this game now becoming very real as the time before you would play diminished.

Scars of Glass | Chishiya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now