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"Are you going to let me in or am I just gonna stand here?" The door opened with a soft creak as you slightly moved to the side to let Chishiya inside your room.

"If this is about your plan, I told you I'd listen tomorro-"

"It's not about the plan." He spoke, walking over to your bed. You furrowed your brows as you took steps towards your bed, curious as to just what Chishiya wanted.

You sat down on your bed, sitting upright as Chishiya stood to your close left, looking at you. Your eyes drifted to what was held in his left hand.

"Ice." You mouthed the word 'oh' as he sat down next to you, facing you. He held the ice to your neck, you inhaled sharply at the contact of the cold compress on your bruised neck. Your hand gripping the comforters, before releasing them when the initial coldness subsided.

"How'd you get this?" He looked at your neck as he spoke, changing the place he played the compress, you inhaling again.

It had been a while since you'd been in Chishiya's presence, let alone had one-on-one time with him. Friendships like the one you had formed with Chishiya really weren't all that common to come across. The trust, patience, empathy, and loyalty that this friendship held was irreplaceable, at least until the borderlands.

"This guy took it personally when I kicked him in the balls." You chuckled, though groaning quickly after at the instant siring pain in your throat. Chishiya raised his eyebrows at you, continuing to hold the ice compress against your bruised throat.

"He started it, I was just trying to escape." You corrected, Chishiya humming in response.

"Why are you really here, Chishiya?" You knew he probably wouldn't admit it, but it couldn't hurt to try. You couldn't exactly understand why he was going from avoiding you to now being in your room.

"What, is it incriminating for me to bring you ice?" He gave you a small smirk, speaking softly, hardly raising his voice at all.

"You thought I was dead, didn't you?" Chishiya switched the spot he was icing, his other hand resting on your shoulder for more support as he kept the compress close to your throat. You exhaled your breath as the temperature dropped on the spot he brought the ice to before sighing.

"Why are you so worried about me all of a sudden?" You croaked, the coldness on your neck making you want to flinch.

"Who said I was worried?" Chishiya spoke, his voice dim, almost muted. He spoke in a way that made his words sound non-confrontational, even if they were.

"I mean, you're the one icing my neck." You mumbled, slightly rolling your eyes as you looked to the side of the room. A sudden wave of pain hit your head, causing you to inhale sharply, exhaling a laboured breath. You had most certainly sustained some injuries that would take at least a few days to fully heal.

"You know I don't hate you, right?" His words caught you by surprise, your eyes expanding before sizing back down.

"It's not exactly like you're very fond of me either." You replied, returning the same soft voice that Chishiya spoke to you in, though your voice was moderately more scratchy.

"If you had died, who was I supposed to spend my weekends with?" He put the ice compress under your chin, causing your head to raise to be on the same level as his. Your eyes glanced at his before staying locked on them. Your lips pushed together as you sighed deeply.

"I won't die, I plan on making it out of here." You smiled gently, Chishiya tilting your head back down as he pressed the compress onto another bruised-up spot on your throat. You exhaled as the cold compress left a small trail of chills running down your spine.

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