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The beach wasn't what you had expected, whether that was for the better or the worse. It did feel somewhat safer than in the ruins of what was Tokyo, but it still was far from perfect.

The tiny but spacious enough-for-you room had a window whose view overlooked the horizon, also allowing for lots of natural light to seep through.

You weren't going to complain though, with a decently working shower and clean clothes, in a place like this you couldn't exactly ask for more.
what you didn't expect, however, was for your clothes to already be put in your closet when you got to your room, a little strange, you will say, but clothes are clothes.

The first one was a two-piece in the style of a halter top. The top ending a little bit understand the bra. It was a denim blue with a white edge around it, with bottoms to match.

The second pair consisted of a cropped swim top, the upper portion of the top having the original bikini cut with straps. This one extended down a little further than a regular top, going down to cover your ribs but leaving your stomach bare. It was a dark auburn or brown, it complimented you well. This set came with a matching coloured skirt.

Going to the beach was always a little strange for you. When you were younger, you'd go if your mother would take you, you'd go most places with her. She would usually meet her 'friends' there, so she'd encourage you to go play in the sand to keep you busy.

While they weren't exactly great memories, mostly because you wouldn't have anything to do, you didn't despise swimming or the beach as a whole. You had never gone to the beach with Chishiya, but if you were younger, and had somehow convinced him to go with you, you'd surely enjoy yourself then.

It took you a while to get out of the habit of trying to lock your hotel door after entering it, given that these doors didn't have any locks. They'd been removed, you asked Hatter why he had done this, and he responded with the underwhelming response of 'we keep no secrets here at the beach, and it's so nobody can conceal any weapons.' That didn't sound very safe to you, given that in borderlands people were more likely to do things that weren't exactly civil, and act unruly but you digressed.

Over the few days that you had stayed at the beach, there hadn't been any meetings since none had been held, you'd mostly attempted 'relaxation', which was to sleep and recover from the games you played.

You hadn't spoken to Chishiya since you both arrived here. The two of you kept your distance, you assumed since now neither one of you were waiting for the other to appear back at Chishiya's house that there wasn't much of a reason to speak to each other.

Chishiya knew you were at the beach and that was it.

After watching the night fall a few times, you got to see just how prideful the people here were about playing these games. Hatter kept feeding the residents of the beach lies which had no hard truths, facts without proof.

'We will make it out of here', 'we are one step closer to getting back home', what a bunch of lies. It wasn't that you hated or resented hatter, it was more so the thought of how someone could wind up in a place like this and still find a way to exploit people. Honestly, if anything you found the man a little smart, for a lack of a better word.

While you hadn't fully accepted the fact that you may never return, you'd accepted the fact that you'd have to stay and survive here if you ever wanted that option. The quicker you were able to process your environment, the quicker you would adapt to it.

Each night, Hatter would come out to say his speech before sending his minions to the new area, where ever that was confirmed in Tokyo. Cards with numbers on them would be passed around with the corresponding car that players would get in. Which would then drive them to the game, after the game was over all the cards went straight to Hatter.

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