Christmas (Sherlock

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"Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree..For me. Been an awful good girl, Santa baby so hurry down the chimney tonight.” You sang along with the radio that had been playing while you decorated your house. Sherlock was with you since John requested to have the flat to himself for the night. He was pacing around bored since he didn’t have a case. 

“I don’t understand why you get so excited over this silly holiday.” He huffed. 

“Oh what are you huffing and puffing about over there?” You got down off your step ladder that you were using to hang ornaments on the tree. 

“I’m bored, I don’t have a case, John kicked me out of our flat and my girlfriend is ignoring me so she can focus on a silly holiday that is almost a month away.” He complained. 

“Well it’s not my fault no one has been killed, and you have kicked John out of the flat before and if you’re bored and want my attention you can start grabbing ornaments and hanging them on the tree to help me finish decorating for this silly holiday.” You sassed and he glared at you. 

“I hate Christmas.” He grunted, sitting on the couch.

“I know, but your lovely girlfriend loves it and wants to make our first Christmas together special.” You replied, straddling his hips and wrapping your arms around his neck.

“And what would make this Christmas any more special than others you’ve celebrated?” 

“You. I finally have someone outside of my family to share it with… Someone to dance to sappy Christmas songs with. Bake Christmas cookies with, decorate with, buy gifts for. Someone to make love to on Christmas Eve in a pair of red lingerie.” You added. 

“Mmm well that sounds like something to celebrate.”  He rubbed his hands up your thighs.

“Mm well you aren’t getting anything on Christmas Eve. I don’t make love to Grinchs so you better find some Christmas spirit.” You poked his chest firmly then heard the sound of the oven coming up to temperature. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have cookies that need to go into the oven. Here, start putting ornaments on the top half of the tree where I can’t reach.” You handed him a small box of ornaments. 

“Fine. Do I at least get a cookie when they’re finished?” He huffed. 

“If you find some Christmas spirit.” You sassed. He rolled his eyes and started his little task in hanging the rest of the ornaments. You quickly put the cookies in the oven then set the timer. You looked back at your boyfriend from the kitchen and admired him. You knew he didn’t really care about all this but it was nice to see him taking his time to make sure the ornaments looked good.  You smiled softly at him and began to daydream. You could see him wearing the red and white pajama bottoms you bought him on Christmas day when you woke him up outrageously early to open up the gifts you bought him. Some of which would say “From Santa” On the label since you knew his parents most likely didn’t do that for him as a child. You imagined having him help you cook Christmas dinner for everyone since you insisted on hosting. Him not knowing how to do anything in the kitchen but you would love every moment of actually knowing more about something than him. You couldn’t wait to see how he reacted to the gift you bought him. 

“Darling? Why are you looking at me like that?” His voice pulled you from your thoughts. 


“You’re staring at me.” He replied. 

“I’m just happy I guess.” You smiled.

“And why is that?” 

Benedict Cumberbatch ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now