Rebound? (Dr Strange)

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In all the time you've known Stephen, which has been over a year now you have only heard him talk very briefly about his time before Karma-Taj. You knew he was a neurosurgeon. According to him he was a very good one, which you believed. You also knew about his accident and that he had an ex girlfriend, Christine. He talked about her briefly, never giving too much detail but you knew he had strong feelings for her. The more you got to know him the less he would bring her up in conversation which made you feel better considering you had developed a crush on the sorcerer.

The first couple months of him being there you were the only person he talked to outside of Mordo, the ancient one and the occasional attempted conversation with Wong who didn't find him amusing in the slightest. You and Stephen would have long conversations whether it was about him questioning things from lessons or him telling you stories about the past you always listened while you laid on his or your bed. There were times when he didn't want to talk but he didn't want to be alone either so he would just come into your room and flop down on his back next to you on your bed. Letting out a big huff in annoyance or exhaustion. There were times you'd lay on your side to face him and you'd find yourself running your fingers through his hair. He never stopped you, he always said it was peaceful.

After about three months of Stephen studying at Karma-Taj you and him started dating. Many of the masters loved to tease you both about it since you yourself are a master. They would joke about having relations with the students which you laughed off and still did now that you were dating.

Stephen has been studying at Karma-Taj now for almost a year and you've been dating for just under 9 months when Kaecilius showed up. You had been knocked out when there was a sudden explosion in the library and a portal opened up to the New York Sanctum. When you woke up Stephen was gone and you were panicked.

"Wong, Wong! Where is Stephen?" You shook him so he would focus on you as he looked at the damage.

"How should I know? I was knocked out before I even had a chance to see where the portal led to." He moaned, rubbing his head.

"We need to find him. If anything happens to him."

"Your boyfriend can handle himself. Did you see how he handled the Eye of Agamotto?"

"That's not the point Wong, we can't just leave him on his own." You argued trying to think of where the portal led to.

"Y/N, come with me, we'll find him." The ancient one said opening a portal to the New York Sanctum. You both went through the portal but they weren't there anymore. You ran up the stairs to look out the big window. You saw Stephen and Mordo running up the streets of New York before they disappeared into thin air.

"The mirror dimension. They went into the mirror dimension."

"Come on, they will need our help." The ancient one said running out of the sanctum and opening the mirror dimension to you both. You lost track of them a minute later.

"There!" You pointed up in the sky. You were portaled up there before you could say another word.

"Stephen!" You yelled when Kaecilius had his arm pulled back ready to stab Stephen. He was suddenly pulled back by the ancient ones magic.

"No." Mordo gasped seeing her forehead.

"It's true." You gaped at her. You shook the thought from your head and ran to Stephen wrapping your arms around him protectively. His arms instinctively went around your waist.

"Oh my God, your face." You ran your fingers over the cuts on his face gently not to hurt him.

"Don't worry about that right now. I'm fine, I promise." He kisses your hand that rests gently on his cheek. Standing to your feet you turned just in time to see Kaecilius stab through one of his men and into the ancient one.

"NO!" You and Stephen yelled in unison. She fell backwards and was plummeting to the ground. You, Stephen and Mordo tried to get to her in time but she fell through a glass window hitting the ground hard. You all were by her side moments later as Stephen yelled for bystanders to call 911.

You waited in the waiting room while Stephen went in the back with the other Drs. You waited for what seemed like forever but in truth you couldn't have been in there for more than 30 minutes. Finally someone named Nick came in and told you the bad news. After you had time to process it he led you to the back where Stephen was washing up with one of the nurses. You stood outside the glass door and waited for him to finish but you saw him reach across the sinks and link his hand with hers. You watched as they turned to each other and Stephen. She reaches up and kisses Stephen on the cheek. He looks at her with so much affection. That's when you get a glimpse of her name-tag. Christine.

You walk back to the waiting room with tears streaming down your face. He wasn't over her like he told you. He's your boyfriend and he stood there and let another girl kiss him on the cheek and what makes it worse is that it was his ex-girlfriend that he was looking at with eyes full of love.

A few minutes later he came into the waiting room where you were sitting with your head down and tears streaming down your face. He knelt down in front of you and cupped your face with one hand.

"Sweetheart, I know it's upsetting but we have to stop Kaecilius."

"Yeah. Are you sure you don't want to stay behind and kiss your new girlfriend some more." You spat when you looked up at him. His brows wrinkled in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you kissing your ex Christine." You spat.

"It was a peck on the cheek. It didn't mean anything."

"The way you looked at her meant everything Stephen! You never wanted to talk about her. You always claimed to be over her and then I see you looking at her like she's the most precious thing in the whole world. And while you were too busy with her, someone else told me about the ancient one's death. I don't want to be your rebound Stephen."

"Y/N. You are not a rebound. I fell in love with you, sure maybe it was soon after but I couldn't help it. Christine will always be a part of my life and yes I did love her but I don't anymore. I love you. Of course I look at her differently than I would look at some stranger, her and I have history together. I was upset and she tried to comfort me, I didn't know you saw but you obviously walked away too soon because after a moment I told her that I found someone new. Someone I love very, very deeply. I want nothing more than to be with you as long as life will let me. Please don't think I have eyes for anyone but you. Christine is in my past, you are my present and future. I don't care how corny it is because it's true. You're all I want in this life and the next. Please don't end it like this." He pleaded, holding both your hands.

"I don't think I could ever end things with you Stephen, because I love you more than anything. I'm sorry I over reached. I don't want to live without you either and the thought of her winning you back..."

"It's not a competition, there will never be a competition. I will always choose you. Without hesitation, without blinking, It will always only be you." He kisses your lips then smiles at you. His face was twice as loving and even more gentle then it was when he was with Christine. That's when you realize you overreacted. Stephen loved you and that's all that matters.

"Now let's go save the world." Stephen smiled and grabbed your hand bringing you to your feet and portaling you both to Hong Kong to defeat Kaecilius.

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