Workaholic (dr strange)

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You have been working endless hours at work lately. The overtime appeared to be endless as you were working on a marketing project at work that needed to be presented in less than 2 weeks. Your team seemed to be at a loss of what to do unless you weren't there holding their hands every step of the way. You were only clocked in at work fifteen hours a day but in reality you were working closer to twenty hours a day. You were getting calls all day and all night from your team with ideas or complaints. It was exhausting to say the least.

Stephen had been working long hours at the hospital as well. You still tried to make time to see each other even if it was just to sleep in the same bed at night that was okay with you. Once this project was over in two weeks you would see more of him.

He had however been scolding you for working too much recently to which you replied. "The pot calling the kettle black" because he was working almost as many hours as you, sometimes more. However he did do a better job taking care of himself when he had to work those long hours. He ate regularly and took naps in between shifts if he could. You were constantly forgetting to eat and rarely stopped to fill up your water bottle and sleep? You rarely got more than three hours. You thought by this point in the project things would be getting easier, you didn't think your team would need you every step of the way. This is why you had a team in the first place, so you could oversee them and make final decisions, not make every suggestion. You were seriously considering laying some of them off or moving them to other departments because frankly they were being pretty useless. You haven't been this stressed since you were running this department by yourself and they found out very quickly this was too much work for one person.

As it got closer to your deadline things got more and more hectic, how you weren't sure. You seemed to be running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Your phone was ringing nonstop, people were arguing and screaming. Stephen had been working a twelve hour shift at the hospital so he hadn't been home all day and all you wanted to do was snuggle up in his arms and scream. A nice long hug sounded so good night now because you felt like your head was going to explode.

Instead you locked yourself in your office at work while several of your team members debated back and forth. Of course they also knew the deadline was coming up and they couldn't decide on a presentation plan. You wanted to stay out of it and let them figure it out on their own. You were also praying that no one got angry enough to start throwing punches but it seemed like no one could agree on anything. You tried to tell them that they needed to compromise but no one seemed to know what that meant. If you didn't know any better you'd think that these guys have never worked together a day in their lives. Part of you believed none of them had ever been on any team with the way they were acting.

"Enough! Have none of you ever worked on a team before?! None of you seem to know how to work together on anything! We have less than a week until we need to present this! The presentation should be the easiest part. Now stop arguing and figure it out!" You screamed, slamming your hand on the desk and standing up.

"I hired all of you because you did good work but you're showing me that not a single one of you can work as a team. If that's the case then people will be transferred or fired!" You took a few steps, making it around the side of your desk before you stumbled. You caught yourself on the desk but when you tried to take another step your feet crumbled underneath you. You remember hitting the floor but that's it. After that everything went black.

At the hospital

Stephen was ready to go home. He was exhausted, he was annoyed, he had been working for close to fourteen hours. All he wanted to do was go home to his girlfriend, cuddle up in bed and fall asleep.

He couldn't wait for you to be done with this project because at least then you'd be home more than you were now. Sighing he leaned against the nurses station while reading through a few files that were in his mailbox.

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