Our Future (Sherlock)

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You have been thinking a lot about children and your future lately. With John and Mary having a child of their own it only added to your baby fever. You hated that you had these feelings mostly because you knew your boyfriend wouldn’t want a child. He hasn’t even shown any interest in getting married and you came from a very religious family who would disown you if you got pregnant before marriage. 

You loved Sherlock and you wanted to marry him. He had his flaws, sometimes he didn’t give you attention for days at a time, sometimes he’d get mad at you for interrupting a case to try and talk to him. There were several things he did that upset you but they weren’t things that you couldn’t forgive. The one thing that you couldn’t seem to forgive was his lack of commitment. He wouldn’t meet your brother who was the only living relative you had left. He wouldn’t walk about marriage and he hated the idea of kids. But you knew if he had one of his own he would be the best father ever.

Your brother was coming into town today and you were begging Sherlock to come with you to dinner. But he wasn’t having it. He kept saying he had to stay home in case Lestrade called with a case. You knew it was just an excuse so he wouldn’t have to meet your brother and it led to a huge fight. 

“Sherlock, this is ridiculous! I have met your brother, your friends and your best friend John. I met them all in less than a month of dating. Why can’t you just come with me to meet my brother? I promise he’s really nice, he’s not like Anderson or Donvan, he's really sweet. He just wants to meet the man I’ve been dating for over a year. We, we can meet anywhere you want. I can bring him here, we can go dinner, to a bar anywhere just please Sherlock please meet my brother, This is really important to me.”  You begged him.  Sherlock rolled his eyes and shut the book he had been reading. 

“I do not want to meet your brother Y/N. Why should I have to? We’ve been together for over a year. If I haven’t met him yet, I shouldn't have to meet him now.”  He huffed.

“Sherlock when people have been together this long this is what they do. They meet each other's families and get to know them so if and when they move forward they can better settle into each other’s families.” You explained.

“I have a family, which drives me crazy most of the time. Why would I want two?”

“Who is your family Sherlock?” You asked lowly.  

“My parent’s, Eurus, Mycroft and of course John.” He answered like it was obvious. 

“Would you ever add to it?” You looked up at him from your spot across from him.  

“Add to it? What would I add to it? Isn’t that enough?” His words broke your heart but he couldn’t see it.  

“So… I’ll never be a part of your family? No matter how long we’re together you’ll never consider me family?”  You tried to hide the quiver in your voice but of course Sherlock caught it.  

“Why are you so upset?” He was clueless.

“... Because I’ve been wasting my time for over a year. I thought things were really going somewhere. I thought we would get married and maybe eventually have a kid or two but you won’t even meet my brother. You don’t consider me part of your family. No matter how much I’ve done for you. I put up with a lot, Sherlock and I put up with it because I love you but you don’t care about me. You just want someone so you won’t be bored now that John isn’t around." You took a deep breath. 

“I can’t be your toy anymore Sherlock. I’m done being your source of pleasure and entertainment.  I have been understanding and I have loved you through all your flaws. Through the relapses and the overdoses. Through the long nights out and near death experiences. But I can’t make excuses for you anymore…. Sherlock I want a family, I want a husband and little baby to hold and love but you obviously don’t want those things so this just… This isn’t going to work. I can’t be stuck in this spot for the rest of my life. I’m ready to move forward and if you can’t do that with me then there’s nothing left for us.”  You exhaled deeply. You never thought this conversation would end like this. You didn’t think today would be the day you ended things with the man you loved, the man you thought you’d be with til the end of time but obviously life had a different plan for you. 

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