Bar Fight (Sherlock)

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Sherlock and John had just finished a case and Mycroft had suggested that you all go out and get drinks. Sherlock tried to decline saying that he would rather spend some time with you in the flat while John and the others went out since he hadn’t been able to spend much time with you during the case but the boys insisted. You insisted he go out with them. He deserved it after all the hard work he had been putting into this case just like all the others. He, being the stubborn man he is said he wouldn’t go unless you went. Of course you weren’t a part of their little team but you were dating Sherlock so you agreed to come long. 

You weren’t much of a drinker, not because you didn’t want to drink but because you didn’t like the taste of alcohol. You’ve tried a lot of different types of liquors but couldn’t seem to find any that you liked so you were always the driver, even though Sherlock never got drunk either at least not when you went out with the group.  

You and John were having fun on the dance floor since Sherlock would never dance with you and John didn’t like the idea of you being in such a big crowd alone so he often went dancing with you.  There was even a time you got Mycroft on the dance floor with you when he was drunk enough. That’s what you liked to do when you were out, you loved to be dancing on the dance floor. Sherlock loved to watch you, so care-free and happy. He didn’t understand how something so silly could make you so happy but if it made you happy that’s all he cared about. 

He was currently watching you from his place at the bar with Mycroft sitting beside him. They had been talking but Sherlock got bored with the conversation rather quickly and decided he’d rather watch you wiggle your little bottom on the dance floor. John of course was right there next to you but keeping a respectful distance. John knew Sherlock could be possessive, but he also knew Sherlock trusted him with his life and yours and that John would never make a move on you. He loved you more like a brother, the same with Mycroft. They both understood the issues you and Sherlock had in your relationship, him being a sociopath and all. So they were there for you when you were feeling sad or upset, guilty or any major feelings in general because they knew Sherlock couldn’t be there for you in the way you needed him to be since he didn’t really know what those feelings felt like. 

“Sherlock, are you even listening to me?” Mycroft raised his voice over the music to get his younger brother's attention.  

“Nope.”  He popped the P with his lips.  

“I said we have another case lined up to start tomorrow. I was trying to tell you about it.” 

“Already.” Sherlock interrupted. Sherlock was always ready for a new case but he was trying to spend more time with you since John pointed out that you must be feeling neglected since Sherlock never got to spend any time with you.  “Mycroft I need to spend some time with Y/N, can this not wait until the day after tomorrow?” 

“I mean I suppose but you never delayed a case before.” He pointed out. 

“I didn’t have a girlfriend before who needed some of my time and attention.”  

“You’re really trying aren’t you? You have never been like this with any other woman." Mycroft smiled.

 He knew his little brother was never serious about relationships and they often didn’t last because he couldn’t show love like other people could. But he also knew that you were very kind and patient, growing up one of your bestfriends was like Sherlock. Of course you never told Sherlock this because you didn’t want him to compare himself to your friend but you knew what it was like to be around sociopaths. Sherlock had sociopathic tendencies but you didn’t think he was a full blown sociopath. You thought maybe he had some other issue that made him the way he was. As much as Sherlock tried to deny it he could be sad, he could feel remorse, guilt. He could love. He loved you and John and his brother. Yes he showed certain similarities to a sociopath, he could be possessive, manipulative. He was antisocial and had mood swings. It boggled your mind really, but no matter what you loved him.  

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